Tag: maps
Old Milk Trailer

Here is a milk trailer I modified from a water trailer to work for hauling milk for maps that have the milk mod installed on there map. Great on the older maps looks close to the period. I hope you like it.. If I left anybody out of the credits let me know thanks.. Features new paint scheme. Fill types milk unload sounds Old wooding wheels Items changed changed wheels to old wooden ones changed texture for milk Credits Wheels by Sirály0211 trailer by Gnom edited by rwy22sp
Bockowo V3.1

Beautiful Poland map, the farm is located in a populated area. Everything you need for the normal functioning of the farm is located in your vicinity. Silos are located on the farm, but unlike other maps, their fruit is raised to the mill, and that it can be sold immediately. Farmer shop and mill are located in the village is a farm on the outskirts of the village. Bale has the destruction of the few places on the map. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. Some fruits are HD textures and can come to “chopping” the image on older ... Read more
Jaroszowice Polish micro map+mod pack

Fantastic and totally realistic maps. The map is small with 8 small fields. The perfect farm with everything you need to conduct a rural household. Standard Fruit + potatoes and sugar beet. perfectly programmed farm cow manure you can take just as much as i have no more than that as in other maps. Cows are moving, walking on the lawn, grass-fed, lie … And if they come closer and see:-D With this map mode and give you a pack of my choice for this map and there you have everything you need. All the machines are old and bad ... Read more
Houle manure pipe
For putting on maps. Credits: Pipe model & texture by Frasercow wheels model & texture by Giants Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6yf9e3ndbwnky63 http://www.sendspace.com/file/gn90zu
Cattle Trough
Hello! This is a cattle trough I have made for maps, It is a static map object which must be imported with Giants Editor If you would like to use this Just drop my name in the credits Grin Thanks Credits: Model – Claas Jaguar 890 Texture – Claas Jaguar 890 CS Modding – Claas Jaguar 890 & Shy Rage Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?q0j4jk4o19phl96 http://www.sendspace.com/file/chrccl
Kazville Bus Stop
This is a bus stop for your map, to be inserted via GE. It is 1:1:1 scale and has AO mapping aswell You can add to your maps if you upload your map please give credits thanks. Credits: Modle: Kaznall Texture and AO : Kazznall and wizznall Ingame: Kaznall Plus a special thanks to sam for teaching me and sharing his knowlage with me. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?2p7rpo9cs91wd4c http://www.sendspace.com/file/vyekhz
Australian clothes line
This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
Barbed Wire Fence
This is an old barbed wire fence object to be placed on maps. This is not a mod for the mod folder. The fence has a static collision and normal maps for wood grain. The fence poles extend down into the ground which will allow you to raise or lower the fence based on the terrain changes as well as a middle and end piece. Unzip the file and copy the folder to your map objects and import into your map. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?12n84xslzkow06z http://www.sendspace.com/file/6uvs3f
Mining Map 2012
In this map you can drive around a mine and view the nice scenery and detail. This is my first uploaded map and I will say its not my best. This map contains the original map fruits and its not a map for farming and there are no fields. The dirt is not moveable but its still a fun map. Feel free to edit this map just keep POLISHMODS team and me in the credits. I hope I trigger some people to want to make some mining maps and hope someone can make the dirt moveable. I am going to ... Read more
Silos LSU v1
Here are a couple of forum standart silos LSU, to install it on your maps. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?5wx19hhtypbjbr7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/unk5s3