Tag: max

Credits Nickel77 & persze Convert to FS2011: n00body Edit: A-max Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124747259/06589cf/RABA15.zip.html
IFA L60 Auflieger

Credits: ModeL:MAX1985 LS11&Edit:kobi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124069237/8510e3e/L60_Auflieger_Entpacken.rar.html
Claas Ares 826RZ v 2 new edit [mp]

Credits: Original LS 08 by: Hurley Umbau / LS09 by Shippy und Kilian (Sound) by ls-umbauten EsLimiter : Manuel Leithner LS11 Conversion New edit by Max900 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123934364/c022415/Claas_Ares_826RZls2011_RF.zip.html
Bolgar TK80 (old)

Description: Model by EED123 & max1985 Textures by EED123 Convert and Script by EED123 Download: Bolgar TK80 (old) [Hotfile.com] Download: Bolgar TK80 (old) [Uploading.com]
IFA W 50 + Tornado v.2
Description: Model:MAX1985 Tornado:? Edit:Paldoo Edit v2: A-max Download: IFA W 50 + Tornado v.2 [Hotfile.com]
IFA W50 + SzF 5
Description: ModeL:MAX1985 Sztomi,NHG 240 LS11&Edit:kobi Download: IFA W50 + SzF 5 [Hotfile.com] Download: IFA W50 + SzF 5 [Uploading.com]
Description: Modell:MAX1985 Ingame:MAX198 Script: hz888 Download: IFA W50L [Hotfile.com] Download: IFA W50L [Uploading.com]
Bolgar TK80 (old)
Description: Model: EED123 & max1985 texture: EED123 convert: EED123 convert 2011: EED123 Edit script: vanek RePack: vanek Download: Bolgar TK80 (old) [Hotfile.com] Download: Bolgar TK80 (old) [Uploading.com]
Steyr 8300
Description: Made by Lordtex, Steyr 8110 and –max– LS2011 and edit Gnom Download: Steyr 8300 [Hotfile.com] Download: Steyr 8300 [Uploading.com]