Tag: maxter
Goval Farm V2 By Matt390t

Andrew Stanford Countypower LS-UK Mod Team. Russ for roads. Triggers from cadavar Yard Building kit – Nishma LS-UK Mod Team Animals by maxter German Shepard from modhoster. Bales from BJR’s Baler Deuz Farh UK for the livestock pack. Giants Low Poly Baeume by Vanilleeis Road set – wohlstandskind Farm Fencing – Sandgroper Download: http://ul.to/5h3yzd7m http://uploading.com/files/m542ea2a/GovalFarm.zip/
MB-Trac weights Packet

2D/3D: Maxter Ingame: Maxter Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138379384/05a3e73/MBTracGewichtePackUnPackMe.rar.html
Woodhouse Farm

start Map-pfreek Woodhouse farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings- LS-UK Modteam objects-LS-UK Modteam Download: http://ul.to/zr8fvwpd
Coast of Norway
Buildings: Axel_of_Sweden, Venom and RRS Stonewall: Wiliam 7530 FarmAnimals: Maxter Trees: Uknown Download: http://ul.to/3apl3gsb
High Grounds Farm
this map is a tradtional cumbrian style map with a dairy and arable farm and another smaller beef farm with a village john deere dealer grain silos all triggers so enojy playing on mulitplayer or single player Credits: start Map-pfreek lowgrounds farm-mounsey01 Farm Animals v1.0-Maxter Farm Animals v1.2-Maxter Farm Animals v1.4-Maxter buildings–ALS/geertyb0y objects-duetz fahr uk Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126687898/c3301ba/highgroundsfarm.zip.html
Farm Animals Chicken Run
Credits: 3D Modelle: mr.siika/Maxter Texturen: mr.siika/Maxter Convert & Anpassung: Maxter Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126336344/0895d3f/FarmAnimals_V1.4_ChickenRun.rar.html
Churn Farm Version
Credits: Version- 1.1 -Tommy23- Yard objects- Deutz Fahr UK Dairy Cattle Shed-mf6160 Farm Yard accessories/Clutter-Sandgroper British hay/straw shed-Farmerl Corrugated General store sheds-jd8430t-Deutz Fahr UK JD Dealership-troll711 Speed camera-Willjsavage Low poly trees-Vanilleeis new fruits for fs 2011-dodo27 LS-UK Mod Team Maize in rows V2 by Dad0 CountyPower Jamesyy olli Russ Giants Maxter Shed by Andrew Liamnh8560 JD6410 Sprengi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124745326/28ed2a0/Churn_Farm_Version_1.1__MODS.rar.html
Cotswold Farm
Credits: Micromap:Bociek, Cytrus 12 and Polishmods Team. Converted to FS11: Gaxi / FSGAXI Straw shed: Farmerl Grass texture: Bociek & the PolishMods team CultivatorTextures pack: Dad0 Wall And Fence Pack: CM Modding Yard objects pack: Deutz Fahr UK Old windmill: Model: Gerzi, Ingame:Bitten Sheds: Alex7530 and eadams FarmAnimals V1.0: Maxter Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/123164971/cb08a46/Cotswold_Farm.zip.html
Beef Farm
Credits: Farm Building – ls-uk.info Modteam yard objects – deutz fahr uk & MF6160 Models – Sandgroper British hay/straw shed – Farmerl start Map – pfreek Lowpolytrees – Vanilleeis Telegraph Poles/Pylons – TSZ Map Farm Animals v1.0 – Maxter Farm Animals v1.2 – Maxter Testers – tomo23, mounsey01 and NiallLod Hope thats every one. Download: <a href="http://hotfile.com/dl/121453680/b7e
Ls11 Haren
it is a nice map whit big, very big and smaller fields. it is a good map for courseplay i hope you like it. This map has been tested as SP but not MP. Credits: it has no cowzone. -Bga – 1 farm and 1 supply agency called derks. – a big maize pit by :MONEYMAN it has the texture of the weserberglandmap. -Lowpolytrees – Vanilleeis -Farm Animals v1.0 – Maxter -Farm Animals v1.2 – Maxter Giants software Starter map ls11 by stroken. Hope u like it ! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121446614/7e0ed3b/Ls11_Haren.zip.html