Tagged: Meistro



Description: Modder.: Lexion 580: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Lexion 580 TT: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Claas Vario 900 Cutterbar: Urmodell: Mauermatze Modellumbau: Lander Scriptanpassung: SpeedySC1978, Lander Claas hearders...


Krone Big MII V2

Description: Modell: meistro Texturen: meistro Ingame: meistro Scripts: Bersi/Speedy11vc Reifen: Lordtex Download: Krone Big MII V2 [Hotfile.com] Download: Krone Big MII V2 [Uploading.com]


CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow-Pac

Description: Urmodder: Shangri66 Umbauten: Bandit & MRA Modding Edit zu LS11: Bandit Skin Lexion770: Meistro Skin V1200: Bandit Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow–Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow-Pack [Uploading.com]


Scania R580 & Kroeger Pack

Description: Scania R580: Modell: GTS LS09/LS11: Repi Powered by MRA Modding ! Kroeger pack: Modell: Maurermatze Ingame: Siwus LS11 ready und Anpassung: meistro & Repi Powered by MRA Modding ! Edit: Bindesboel Download: Scania...


CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow-Pack

Description: Urmodder: Shangri66 Umbauten: Bandit & MRA Modding Edit zu LS11: Bandit Skin Lexion770: Meistro Skin V1200: Bandit Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow–Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770 Yellow-Pack [Uploading.com]


Direct Disc Pack (520 & 610)

Description: from Claas Jaguar 890 Häcksel Pack. HeadShot XXL basic scripts from the crown BigX V8 chopper. Modification and adaptation of scripts by Meistro & SpeedySC1978. 610 MODEL model by TerbucN Conversion of both...


Direct Disc Pack (520 & 610) FIXED

Description: from Claas Jaguar 890 Häcksel Pack. HeadShot XXL basic scripts from the crown BigX V8 chopper. Modification and adaptation of scripts by Meistro & SpeedySC1978. 610 MODEL model by TerbucN Conversion of both...