Tag: message
Valtra 8050 Fixed version

Hey, this is Fixed version in Valtra 8050, and tractor have Valtra’s 50-year celebration color. Send message for me, if you have something feedback. Features: TwinWheels Front/Rear Passengermod Worklights Front/Rear Beacons Quicke Frontloader mounts ESLimiter Over width lights 1:1 Mod Removable front weights Thank you to all who have been involved in the project!! Credits Modell: Wiuwe Ingame: Wiuwe Texturs: Wiuwe, Ännä, XarioN +others Scripts: PeterJ,Henly20 / Giants
Glenvar xxl v1.0

Modhostergemeinde love, I removed the port and transferred to the yard sale. It has only one large silo with a lot of BGA‘s, where you can be the straw ensiled. For the BGA Skripe by Heady are therefore: MAPBGA MAPBGASilo and MultiShovel needed. I’ve installed thank all Modern Objects Dehren me. The PDA I did not manage to register because of those who know please. So then ran to the meatballs. Since not so strict with your assessment, this is my first map. I wish you much fun on my map. Did you find errors please write me a message. ... Read more
Richland Map

Texture Pack by Melfoy Container/mobile office by Unknown (If you know who did this model please send me a message and I will change credits to reflect..thanks) Download: http://ul.to/xpsw0ego
LPG Calau
This is my first map, the courtyard is rebuilt and still anderes.Für tips and improvements please send me a message Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136135333/26e031c/sampleModMap_briefing1.zip.html