Tag: milk truck
Hoosierland Farm

This farm is a flat, open farm with medium to large fields. The field shapes and sizes are based on real life fields in my area. To be true to the Indiana farm type, there are only 3 crops available in the map: Wheat, Soybean, and Corn. There are 691 acres of fields in this map. There is one main farm in the Southwest corner with a dealership across the street. Cargill and Pioneer seed are available to sell your crops. Pioneer Seed also has seed, fertilizer, and bale shredder. Main farm has small cow area with grass and silage ... Read more
Mossyville Map

hello, This is a edit of samplemodmap, It is alot smaller and has the orignal fruits. It also has the option to sell liquid manure and manure. You can also sell milk, It has no milk truck but will autosell at midnight. One more thing, you can also sell grass, there are alot of grass to mow. thank you, happy farming. rb Credits milk mod, tank and sell point by devil revenge chevton gas station by troll711 manure/liquidmanure sellpoint and tubes by janlandby Heavy wooden bridge by abasstreppas Tunnel by dodo27 road pac by goldpower600/johndeere6800 and also giants If i ... Read more
Limerick Map
this map is based on an area in county limerick in the south of ireland.this map has no milk truck or running traffic and i also set it to have no animals.the map has 1 pit which accepts maize/grass/wheat as chaff as there the only crops the farmer cuts.there is also 1 minure tank and 1 minure pit and a bale shed if you want to do some bales.the farm has no farm house as the farmer lives away from the farm yard where he stores his crops. Fruits : grass maize wheat Credits 10 different hedges by johan12 lowpolytrees ... Read more
Willys Farm 2
another flat map no trees gravel road for milk truck sell manure at the mill, beside the building NEED MILK MOD TO SELL MILK at the dairy Credits sample mod map start map ls11 original map: GIANTs edit: STORKEN
This is a medium sized map, which is at the momment version1, version 2 will follow with the other side of the water, becoming a bio-gas area,for DLC2, this side has a main farm to the west, cow meadow, in the middle, little farm to the east,grain mill and shop to the northeast, the PDA map works ok, sorry could’nt get milk truck to work this time, but I have put milk mod in, suupose it give you extra stuff to do, fields are well shaped and sized, and hilly in places, you will have to go around the fields ... Read more
Hollis Country v 3.0
Hollis Country V3 On the map you can find a farm, the cow pasture with a milk truck, a mill, cogeneration plant, the dairy where you can also sell the milk itself, and it hatsich settled a land trade. The card still has 16 fields, 3 pastures, a customized PDA, milk trucks and adapted trees without Colli. The size of the fields has not changed so little equipment load from the dealer. Unlike the V1 you have any cows at the beginning of the one you have weckgenommen because of BSE She now has a biogas plant. But you can ... Read more
My map
this is my first attemp at a map,this map is not based on any particular area its just something i made up myself… there are many fields which contain maize/grass/wheat and barley there is no traffic or milk truck and the map isnt mp ready Fruits *Maize *Wheat *Barley *Rape No other crops, just original Credits: 10 different hedges by johan12 simple road sections by DocOz fuel tank by willjsavage silage berg by moneyman tire tracks by countypower maize in rows by legebarn real life corn texture by Sim3.09s british sheds by farmercal96 Machine shed by roni empty map by ... Read more
Kincraigie High Detail Map
Kincraigie is a small village north of Perth in Scotland, this map is not based on the farm or village, only the name was taken. The map is out of my imagination. Almost all the equipment needed is in the map as default, you will need your prefered multifruit trailer and your prefered potato and sugarbeet harvester. I didnt include these as most have their own prefered ones. The included mods must be placed in your mods folder for the silo‘s to work! The only extra fruits in this map are Potatoes and Sugarbeet. There are two “Bins” at the ... Read more
Angarrack Farm V1
Bucrakable silage pits (Rise’s/falls) Paintable Tree Add-ons. (Thanks DOCTORHILTI) 2 Farm Yards. One Main one kind of outfarm. 1 Barley Field, 1 Cultivated Field. The rest are Grass Working Cow Zone, no milk truck or Traffic. Credits Map by: D&D Modding’s DaleC & Dave_Boughen Tested by: David-96, ChrisW, Dave_Boughen & FS_IS_BEST Buildings/Objects by: LS-UK Modteam Freelance Modding Crew Deutz Fahr UK Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ubdnxjtx6d7rgph http://www.sendspace.com/file/wqkoo5