Tag: Mill
Close Farm V2 DLC2 required

First of all sorry this has taken so long. This is a medium size map with one Farm, Cow zone, Mill, Brewery and BioGas, you do need DLC2 to use this. The milktruck work’s and goes to the Cow’s, picks up milk ect, but I couldn’t get it to go all the way back to dairy, but if you are not there you won’t see it, it will just restart as normal. there are 16 fields, 3 fields planted for a bit of a start but the rest is up to you, the mill has separate triggers for each fruit. ... Read more
Farm in fallow V2 DLC2 BGA

Buildings- Peelo Startmap- palajos, dodo27 and gnom milk sell point- croation-mod-team and devil revenge Hanger 12- duarn Beet and potato storage sheds- discoade spot lights- showgunn84 Bale and grain selling shed, gas station and cattle shed- troll711 Houses- ar1g3 Silos and ramp- dinamit3 and spider100 Brewery- ka88 and Friese62 Stone fence- Denni Mill- louter ?? maure heap- devil revenge 6 Bar gate- druptown liquid manure tube- janlandby slurry pit-ar1g3
Thedinghauser Map v3 Multifruit

I want to introduce to you my version of my three Thedinghauser map. It is designed to complete in addition to the new crop varieties still Standert Haffer sunflower rye turnips and potatoes are harvested cotton. The Old Mill I hingebaut removed and the site of the old brewery reaching the brewery Beck A is also available Collect the bottles, too! For the fruits of which are not MapFruits nowendig because I have intigriert in the map. So will let you sayn but not too much surprise that it is still on the map Sun Still Required Mods Fruit Type ... Read more
englandMap by Shutesy1 (robbiet09edit)
More Fences (Giants) -Ditches -More Hedges (Giants) -More Trees (Giants) -Gates and Gateways -Roadsigns (k87eik) & (Shutesy1) -Pylons (TSZ v3) -Telegraph Poles (Pincin Map) -Floodlights (dodo27) -Farmyard scenery (Giants) & (LS–UK Modteam) -Post Office and Postbox (LS–UK Modteam) –English Bale Shed (3Dpowerfarmer) -Stone Cottage (3uropa Modding) -Old Shed (Desch) original map( shutesy1) -Horses (sexyvampyr) -Old Woodfence (Fredric) -Fences and weighbridge at Mill (Maca/Defender) -Background scenery (Ukranian Map V3) -Scenery in village (Giants) -Cars (Giants) – Original map by Russ Download: http://ul.to/0e7lu4ob
Schwäbisch Country Map
leere Map by Deere6800, Silageberg by Mill, Schranken by RepiBaumstamm, by Jumpster, Sägewerk by PCspastWindmühle, by Janhenrik, Holzschredder by PCspast, Feuerwehr by Daniel, Gülletank by Daniel007, Straßen by Fatian, BGA by Manuel. Download: http://ul.to/7g08ozd5 http://uploading.com/files/c3edcf6c/Schweabisch_Land_Map.zip/
Clearview map swathable corn edit
Description: Features: -1 Farms -Port,Mill,Brew Have all been marked now. -Grain Storage Silos at Farm now Marked. -VERY Large feilds -Fertilizer,Seed,fuel -Grain drop off spot for storage at farm. -Baleshredder at farms. -has swathable corn Map- Damen Anderson Lamps- dodo27 Baleshredder- Forums Fuel Tank- Damen Anderson edit:me sivy and slopoke7166 Download: http://ul.to/hlqgw7eu http://uploading.com/files/f54444e8/ClearviewFarmV1.zip/
Mill farm Version 1.1
Thank you to… Sandgroper for ducks wase9 for farm shop vanilleeis for low poly trees Jd8430t + Deutz Fahr uk for British shed Nubsi for AudiR8 gamesnaper for header store Download: http://ul.to/kq2ey6x7
Volcano_Half_Map v1.1
(Other Mods) Old Mill – Unknown & Spider 100 Silage Pit – Maca & Defender MistladebandV2 – Big Idea-M-Lord Map & Other Mods – Giants BallenSchredder – sprengi Flags – By – Arnold low poly trees by Vanilleeis CattleGrid – Made by willjsavage Self-Wash Hall – model Gamesnape Texture Gamesnaper Trees Vanilleeis Download: http://ul.to/uhvdxx2m
Ecclesden Farm V1
Farm- Ace_uk Fruits- Ace_uk Pottinger Jumbo-alexsXD Gas Station-devil revenge Shed-beni95 Grain Ramp-willjsavage Farm Yard-solanz Farm Shop- Andrew Stanford Mill- RRS shop-wizznall xxlBarn-masseyMAN23 trees-Vanilleeis Download: http://ul.to/q55kqel8
The Netherlands V1
Startmap from Ace-UK. Used items (PM me if I forgot someone): – Giants – Machine sheds: Domi95, KungFujas, willjsavage – Silo shed: Desperados93 – Streets: Fatian – Mill: Mac Bo – Cowshed: Planet-ls/Thore – Gras/mais silage: Jimkerk/Heady – Klapbrug/sluis: dre3178 – Billinger: Degget, Ka88, xl-turbo – Bakery, boat: Griffy – Townhouses: pAre – Marketstall: Desch – Shop at dock: Peelo – Bosstadhus, torp, uthus: Axel of Sweden – Streetlight: Valentin – Greenhouse: Dodo27 – Bales: emils96 – Fences: Sandgroper – Hedge: Countypower – Trees: Vanilleeis – Animals: Maxter – Potatoboxes: LS2009FAN/Deutz Fahr Uk – Stonewalls: VehicleVideos Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134983275/5283a47/TheNetherlands_V1.zip.html