Tag: Milpol
FlotationTyre_AO UpDate V-2.1

Description Floatation Tyre/Wheel for Farm Trailers created with Blender V-2.62 AO Texture created with Blender V-2.62 You are free to use this file in any Farming Simulator Mod. With no permission required. Please credit Milpol if you do use this file. My appology to users that have downloaded the incorrect Update where the right wheel has an incorrect Z Axis and rotates in the reverse direction. This version is corrected, i just hope i know my left from my right ;0) Credits Mod file created by Milpol Texture Created by Milpol
Single Axle General Purpose Trailer
A Single Axle UBT in JD colours for small farms. Contains a Used and New version. Working Lights, Beacons and Indicastors. Removable Front Rail. Manual or Automated Bail Pickup. balecapacity: 8 big square bales, 10 round bales, 30 normal square bales, 78 small square bales, 185 small bales from Welger_AP730_SimpleChute, 280 small bales from Welger_AP730_ExtenedChute, 200 small bales from Free DLC Baler Credits Model: Milpol In Game: Milpol/SndGrdn TrailerParts Script: SndGrdn Lights Script: Sven777b Original Bale Script: Bassaddict
Hello everyone another Tennessee style farm you have to turn the traffic off to run this map then sell the old yellow combine orignal grain and machines 1 sell point the brewry milk pick up twice a day sell grain or store it medium size farm and fields 25 in all hope you all enjoy Edd. Giants LS-UK.info for upload Old farm house Clytha JD8430t Deutz Fahruk Hen ark Ford4600fan John Deere Dealship Troll711 John Deere and Deere.com Reskin houses Giants Arig3 General Barn Docoz Triggers Giants Cadaver Old farm Daniel Vijoi GH 2010 Construction House Troll711 Pub Coggie Fuel ... Read more
Traditional English Stile with Fencing
textures: Milpol Model: Milpol Testers: oliver45, williamronaldson, taylor0o9 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zl4p3km5fx2qsc3 http://www.sendspace.com/file/idd8wf
Milk Churn
Static Scenery Object for Map Makers. Ideal for the Dairy No restrictions on use. Please give credit when due. Credits: Model: Milpol Textures: Milpol Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?kbwsift2kb5ajex http://www.sendspace.com/file/zp6j84
Road Works Pack V-1.0
Testers: oliver 45 Advice & Encouragement: Wizznall Textures: Giants, Milpol Models: Milpol Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?98ms0gt4k13yf65 http://www.sendspace.com/file/bokqyk