Tag: mod team
Hittner – Trailer pack 3t and 6t
Credits: Model:imt 542 convert and scrpits:imt 542 Made by Serbian MOD team www.farmingsimulatorsrbija.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121953320/f8d442e/hittner_3and6t.zip.html
Credits: Model: imt542 (andrija) Scripts: imt542 (andrija) Made by Serbian MOD Team Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121508546/857af8d/SIP_SK80.zip.html
Rakovica47 and Rakovica65
Credits: Made by Serbian MOD Team Model: dammir Script: dammir www.farmingsimulatorsrbija.com Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120044412/38d26fb/Rakovica47_and_Rakovica65.zip.html
Sip ModPack
Description: Sip Star 850/26 (skin – 99ghost99) Sip Trosilec (by perti93) Sip Opticut 300 (skin – by kirezagar) Sip Pionir (by Slo Mod team (gregor in šertl)) Sip Silo 1000 (skin – by perti 93) Sip Spider 350 (by SLO MOD Team) Download: Sip ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: Sip ModPack [Uploading.com]
Tatra 815 Agro Pack
Description: model: Czech Mod Team LS2009 ignition script:Henly20 compile and edit by Estebio Download: Tatra 815 Agro Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: Tatra 815 Agro Pack [Uploading.com]
Glenvar Map
Description: Original Map: Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team Converted by: Ls Portal Italy Team Converted to LS2011 by Swissmade Download: Glenvar Map [Hotfile.com] Download: Glenvar Map [Uploading.com]
John Deere 8530 DW Edition
Description: Especially: LS–UK Mod Team SFM Modding Mario Edit by: Aaronpost1989 Download: John Deere 8530 DW Edition [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 8530 DW Edition [Uploading.com]