Tag: modcontest
[modcontest] Poettinger Jumbo 10010 Combiline

Description This mod has been uploaded as part of the 2011 Official Giants Modcontest. The mod was submitted by Daniel11 / Daniel Woldendörp. Credits Daniel11 / Daniel Woldendörp GIANTSContest2011_PoettingerJumbo10010Combiline
Massey ferguson 6170

This is the massey ferguson from the modcontest all i have done is scaled it 1:1 and changed the numbers on the side. I hope to do a better version which will hopefuly include the following: passenger seat mod front loader new tires to go up through dynashift gears (abcd) you press left mouse and to come back down you press right mouse and to go through your standard gears you press home and to come back down in gears you press end. Credits: original- Mat du 55 / Mathieu Robinet edit- brian Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?has8foi27pos872 http://www.sendspace.com/file/9nahdn
[modcontest] Glane Visbeck Map
This mod has been uploaded as part of the 2011 Official Giants Modcontest. The mod was submitted by Roberto91 / Roberto Welzel. Don’t forget to vote for the winner at Download: http://ul.to/fyxhpgs1
[modcontest] Bulk Handling Kit
The LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136302920/57be8f8/GIANTSContest2011_Bulk_Handling_Kit.zip.html
John Deere 6430
Modell: (Rutschkupplung:main modell),(Giants:farmer),(mf390,Katsuo,John Deere 6930:tyres from modcontest JD3650) Textur: (Rutschkupplung:main modell),(Giants:farmer),(mf390,Katsuo,John Deere 6930:tyres) Script: Rutschkupplung, Sven777b, Manuel Leithner, John Deere 6930, Skullman, modelleicher Edit: omadisha Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/135265188/b2f0875/JD6430.zip.html