Tag: Model Ross
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Green

Hello, this is a 3000 gallon vacuum tanker. This a a re-skin from the amazing promoted model by Ross. Very detailed model, all features are working and the back beacons on the tanker work too. This is not my mod or re-skin, i have just help him and uploaded it for him. Thanks for downloading and i hope you like it. Credits Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 Help for: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?1coelxy3swj3pe2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/3x61ka
NC 3000 Vacuum Tanker Galvanised Orange Edit

Here you have a Nc 3000 gallon Vaccum Tanker. This is a Re-skin from the origanal one by Ross. This is not my Re-skin i only helped a friend and did the finer touches. Hope you like it and thanks for downloading! Credits: Model: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Re-skin: JosephMcDyre98 (with help from leicestershireFarmer) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3131j2rqibz6bbl http://www.sendspace.com/file/ypcplh
Hi-Spec Vacuum Slurry Tanker

Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Hi-Spec Skin: Claas Jaguar 890 Download: http://ul.to/yfq14r6u
NC3000 Gallon Vacuum Slurry Tanker( Red,Dirty + Scraped)
Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Reskin – Claas Jaguar 890 Download: http://ul.to/gayfsx4m
Redrock 18T
Model: Ross Texture: Ross and Bazz2827 Ingame: Henly20 and Ross Download: http://ul.to/kudz4prt
Major 3100 gallon tanker
Model: Ross Texture: Ross Ingame: Ross and Henly20 Download: http://ul.to/dk7xxg97