Tag: Model Texture
MF 7760 Cotton Combine

Description: Massey Ferguson skin for John Deere 7760 Cotton Combine Original Model: Model/Texture: Nickel77 Script: balogh2003, hz888 Script Edit: Defender New skin: rcboy121 Download: MF 7760 Cotton Combine [Hotfile.com] Download: MF 7760 Cotton Combine [Uploading.com]
Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1

Description: Case Varicut 3050 Model & Texture: Shangri66 Edit Case: Nocsy Script: GIANTS Software GmbH, sven18koehlerEdits: DanielM Bug Fix: Mr. F Biso SWW 9m fitting for V900 Model: Maurermatze Edit: sk8mike,Ryboth, Mr.K Script: MxY.rlp Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: Case IH AF 8010 Pack v2.1 [Uploading.com]
Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift

Description: Forklift for you farmyard.. – ESlimiter – Added RefelctiveSkin – Beacon Credits: Model/Texture: Solanz Script: Zippo LS11: Solanz Download: Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift [Hotfile.com] Download: Komatsu EX50 115 Forklift [Uploading.com]
Stoll Pack Re Edit
Description: Cuts grass and lines it up in windrows. It don’t kill the grass anymore. Credits: Model / Texture: daniel11 Game / animation: xandl1 Script: sven18koehler FastCoupler: SFM-Modding LS11: twbaaa Download: Stoll Pack Re Edit [Hotfile.com] Download: Stoll Pack Re Edit [Uploading.com]
JF-Stoll CM 305F
Description: Model / Texture: daniel11 Game / animation: xandl1 Script: sven18koehler FastCoupler: SFM-Modding LS11: twbaaa Download: JF-Stoll CM 305F [Hotfile.com] Download: JF-Stoll CM 305F [Uploading.com]
eimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP)
Description: Model/Texture: stehbeni Ingame: stehbeni Modell V2: Mario – Neues Infopanel – Hupe verbaut – Tür lässt sich öffnen – Particlesystem wurde angepasst – Licht wurde angepasst – Modell wurde aufgeräumt Polycount vorher = 198869 Polycount nachher= 106938 – Trailerattacherfehler wurde behoben – Script wurde angepasst sowie Fehler behoben Download: Weimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP) [Hotfile.com] Download: Weimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP) [Uploading.com]
Weimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP)
Description: Model/Texture: stehbeni Ingame: stehbeni Modell V2: Mario – Neues Infopanel – Hupe verbaut – Tür lässt sich öffnen – Particlesystem wurde angepasst – Licht wurde angepasst – Modell wurde aufgeräumt Polycount vorher = 198869 Polycount nachher= 106938 – Trailerattacherfehler wurde behoben – Script wurde angepasst sowie Fehler behoben Download: Weimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP) [Hotfile.com] Download: Weimar T 174/2 v2.0 (MP) [Uploading.com]
MAZ 5549 & MAZ 856102-010 Trailer
Description: MAZ 5549: Script: IFAW50L 3D Model/Textures: Newuser Converted/Help: NORTHERN_STRIKE/STALKER Assembly/Edit 3D Model/Textures: MYTHBUSTER FS 2011: Edit 3D Model/XML: MYTHBUSTER MAZ 856102-010: 3D Model/Texture: MYTHBUSTER FS 2011/XML: MYTHBUSTER Download: MAZ 5549 & MAZ 856102-010 Trailer [Hotfile.com] Download: MAZ 5549 & MAZ 856102-010 Trailer [Uploading.com]
Water Diesel and Trailer
Description: To refuel a vehicle you must give him the right of the trailer park and then press the “R”. To fill a sprayer, you park it on the left side and press the “R”. Features: – Fuel for Vehicles – The filling of sprayers – Lighting Script V3 Credits: Model / Texture: Player 1 Ingame: Mofa-Killer Script: Face, sven777b, Mofa-Killer Download: Water Diesel and Trailer [Hotfile.com] Download: Water Diesel and Trailer [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle Pack
Description: Jaguar 900: Base–Model: Yekk1/BigFarmer145 Texture: BigFarmer145/LordTex/PlanetLS Base-Scripts: raptor, Arnold, Headshot XXL Midsteering by Zippo Manualignition by Templaer –> @LS11 by Andreas Schneider jlichterscript von Headshot XXL washable, ESLimiter, Operatinghours by Manuel Leithner – SFM-Modding RPMLimiter by Templaer Lightfunctions by Ellinor Ström LS 2011 porting, model editing and update, dirt skins, midsteering addition: Knuuud LS2011 ingame tweaking and physics: Herrman PU380 (reskinned Krone Easyflow 3801 LS-Modsource): Model / Texture: Bigfarmer145 Script / Animation: Geri-G Claas skin (PU300): X318iX PU380 labeling: Herrman washable: Knuuud [LS-UK] Kaiser Trailer: Modell: KirillOFF Textur: KirillOFF LS11 porting: Knuuud /Herrman Animations: Knuuud /Herrman Washable: Knuuud Download: ... Read more