Tag: Model
Beelen Pack
[gallery link=”file”] Hier het eerste deel van het Beelen pack. Het pack bevat: Scania R 620 6×2 Scania R 730 8×4 3 asser rollcarrier. 4 asser lzv trailer. Een standaard bak. En een kortere bak voor de LZV trailer. Containers kunnen wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, fertilizer, manure en sugarbeet laden. Credits: Containers: Model: Daniel11 Script/inGame: sven18koehler Edit/Skin: EJBFarmingBV from www.lsportal.nl Rollcarier: Model: sirrobin Ingame: sirrobin Scripte: sven777b / Geri-G Edit/Textuur: EJBFarmingBV from www.lsportal.nl LZV trailer: Geheel van EJBFarmingBV from www.lsportal.nl Scania R620: Geheel: EJBFarmingBV from www.lsportal.nl Scania R730: Cabine: John Anthony Rest: EJBFarmingBV from www.lsportal.nl Tip: Om een container ... Read more
Silage pit
Model/Texture: Liamnh8560 Ingame: Jd6410/Eddy Reskin: Jd6820driver Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?abzb40fzghld7gx http://www.sendspace.com/file/zfy15t
Australian clothes line
This is an Australian clothes line modeled on the on in my back yard. This is a map object, to be imported in to your maps via GE. This model has AO and is scaled to 1.1.1 to true size. Please give credit if you use it in a map and upload it. Thank you and hope you like it. Credits: Model: Kaznall and massive thanks to Sams for all his help texture: Kaznall and Sams patience and valuable time and his flight to Australia. Ingaming: Sam Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?9tz2qddheed8n7h http://www.sendspace.com/file/cr3lsn
Wall Pack scaled version
Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: leicestershireFarmer Re-scale: leicestershireFarmer Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?annjc22otyl9by2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/5vbxe7
Orkel TX100
Here is a Orkel TX100 with animated limbs and dump it. Tipping the box:” B” Hindquarters:” X” Left:” M” Right:” K” And there is not I who made it, I just animated Credits: Model: magnus.flenvold Script: ar1g3 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6d2q63a471e25ej http://www.sendspace.com/file/2zi27k
Masse MX
Weight 1500 kg Credits: Model: Ronan35 Conversion: Sagona01 Texture: Ronan35 and Sylvain01 Script: Sylvain01 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?utiluzx1nwc8ve4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/o6agm6
BT-150 v2
by:LSSA Modding Model: nevan Script: “GIANTS Software”, Manuel Leithner, Templaer, shangri66, nevan Textury: nevan Images: MAC, yurovich, vladimir Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zndwoj5kkfrwi55 http://www.sendspace.com/file/1c42cg
John Deere Model BO-L
In the 1940’s the Lindemen Manufacture of Yakima, Washington, converted Deere models to Crawlers. So i bing a 1940’s JD Model BO-L track-type tractor with h.p. And this tractor has no 3-pt hitch so you only can you implements that has a tongue. This tractor has the following features: extra weights, gas limiter, and power shaft attcher. Store price in game: $1,500 Credits: credits:3d model: Trekker, Texture: Trekker, Script:Trekker, harley, 352c, shangry66 Reskin and converison: bobcat_T-320 Fixed some issues: SndGrdn Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?7sqbbn7v4fhp4bf http://www.sendspace.com/file/xg4kee
FIATAGRI 140-90 v2.0
model:cricri62 script:cricri62 texture:cricri62 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?a44he4nrz4v4943 http://www.sendspace.com/file/e2wjym
Kesmac Field Roller V2
Hello, This is the Kesmac Field Roller V2. In this version i have add the brilliant spraying script by peterJ and other little tweaks with the model. The spraying script allows you to spray your field with the roller, you simply press ‘B’ and off you go! Credits: Model: leicestershireFarmer Texture: leicestershireFarmer Ingame: Griffy/leicestershireFarmer Script: PeterJ/leicestershireFarmer Thanks to peterJ for the brilliant scrip and Griffy for helping me ingame it. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?50rdvb7o644dp8f http://www.sendspace.com/file/fvujcm