Tagged: Model


Mountain Valley Farm

This will probaly be version 1 as I have some more things I want to do like adding fruits and finish textures. I’m releasing now for testing purposes by a few and any one...


RP6010 Sprayer

Credits: model: Matliik and Bauernluemmel, in game: Matliik and Bauernluemmel, script and skin:Bauernluemmel Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121432605/445f87a/RP6010.zip.html


Horal mv3-030

Credits: Description: Model and textures: Lubik, Matliik In Game: Dzanito Script: Defender Beleuchtung mod: Sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121327591/bcf600e/Horal_MV3_030.zip.html


T16M v 2.0 [mp]

Credits: Model: Nickel77 Textura: Nickel 77 Sound: Tomi Edit: vanek author meistro & Repi– LS11 by clod Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121080509/ff7016a/T_16M.zip.html


Massey Ferguson 590

Features: Pivoting Axel Ignition Worklights Key 5 start/stop Key 6 Worlights Enjoy. Loader one coming shortly. Credits: Engine: BM TD 42, 4 Cylinders Turbo, Max. power 90/2300 hp DIN/rpm Model: Valtra6 Tekstura: Valtra6/DaleC ?adowacz...


Altay t4

Credits: model: Beckar, AndreyGunko textures: Beckar, AndreyGunko sounds: Gumbeika Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120865601/8e4200a/Altay_t4.zip.html