Tag: Modelleicher
CAT 966 H V 2.0

Description – Tire dust – Washable / dirtskin – Rearview – Steering lock – ESLimiter – OpHours The following fruits can now be loaded: – Potatoes – Sugar beet – grass – straw – silage – chopped – Concentrate – Mist Credits: Giants Farmerjoe Chefkoch_LS2011 Scripts: Sven777b Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding) Henly20 (Ls_uk Modteam) MMagrarservice Modelleicher “iMonitor” Bild Master Xerion
Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T v 1

one Pöttinger Euro Boss 330T Wagon in scale 1:1. Because We missed a little small Wagon from Farming Simulator 011, we have him unceremoniously rewritten yesterday. He is not yet final, a few small changes in the near future he will get even more (I like the particle system is not 100% sure), but here it is for now. Fully functional, error free, UV errors, (compared Eisntellungen from the manufacturer’s site) with LS13 wheels, 21300l load volume and a DIN curb weight of 2700kg. It can load wheat and barley straw, grass and hay. He also received at 2, 3 ... Read more
Farmhouse v 2.0 mod

This is a simple farmhouse to the place on your map Credits: modelleicher Bauernhaus by modelleicher Modell, Texturieren, Konvert: Modelleicher
County Super Six 1124
Years: 1970-1971; Cyl: 6; Displacement:6227; HP: 102 A legend tractor with the turning cycle of a little big oil tanker. Credits Model/Textur : Schlueterfan1977 Ingame : Modelleicher
Fendt 309C
Verlichtingscript V3 Zwaailamp Heffing front Dubbellucht (voor en achter) Aftakas Attacher RPM Limiter Operator Hours Toeren en KM/H teller op dashboard Genoeg koppel en pk’s! Credits: Modell/Textur: RTK-LS InGame: RTK-LS Script: fruktor, Tobias F, Manuel Leithner, Modelleicher, Sven777b Reifen: Modell/Textur: Bullet Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?87h1nhd7j7b681v http://www.sendspace.com/file/ijk7xc
Schönfeld v2.0
Map:Deere6800 & Michi Gebäude und Scripte: pfreek, Eifok-Team, Börndi, Modelleicher, Katsuo, wohlstandskind, Heady, JahnDeere6930, blackburner, KungFujas, Desperados93, SourceWorks, BM-Modding, Fatian und Giant. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?ooh9ksb69blkvtp http://www.sendspace.com/file/jdmnnl
SAME Leopard 85 Export & 90 Turbo – Red Line
Scripts: motorized, steerable, hirable, aiTractor, ESLimiter, operatingHours, gasLimiter, manualIgnition, honk, Movimento, passenger, cabSAME, beleuchtung, interactiveControl, interactiveButtons, interactiveWindows, Traction4x4. Credits: Model: Lovetractor Textures: Lovetractor Ingame: Lovetractor Sounds: Lovetractor Scripts: SFM Modding, Ago – Systemtech, Harley, Henly20, Lovetractor, BJR Modding, Sven777b, Modelleicher, Templaer… Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?d9qtpv39u9ma7sa http://www.sendspace.com/file/acqxoz
DEUTZ FAHR Topliner 4090 HTS balance PACK
Schlueterfan1977 Modelleicher Download: http://ul.to/qiq54mkv http://uploading.com/files/m47fb6db/DF_TOPLINER_4090HTS.zip/
John Deere 6330
Modell: Rutschkupplung Scripte: SFM Modding / Sven777b/Modelleicher Edit/Skin: Shippy74 Frontlader: Giants / Umbau / Skin: Shippy74 Download: http://ul.to/tpigza3w http://uploading.com/files/1f49ee64/John_Deere_6330_Pack_V4.zip/