Tag: modification
Lemken Kristall

Hello, today I bring you our latest mod, Lemken Kristall, a small and agile cultivator that provides an efficient working of our soils. It has seven branches cushioned by a powerful spring, ten discs of disarmed and two compaction rollers You can only upload to another site while respecting the alternative link I leave! You are not allowed any modification for public use ! I hope you enjoy Credits: Model: Julian11 Texture: Julian11 Script: Julian11 Big Boss Modding Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?6z6j44jl50upht9 http://www.sendspace.com/file/ijmhno
Case Magnum 8940 – Pack

This my new modification. The Case 8940 Row Crop, an Case 8940 Normal Wheels. Scripts: RPMLimiter GasLimiter DualWheels ManualIngnition Etc. The. Xml file was reworked. The model is 100% compatible with MultiPlayer. Thanks: FSM-Brasil/American Eagles Modding Forum and Members. Credits: Model/Textures:Knagsted Scripts: Giants,PeterJ,Templaer,LSUK Modteam,Manuel Leithner,Modorgas. Ingame/Edit:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eruxb6jhzxsdlwl http://www.sendspace.com/file/7divdt
John Deere 9750STS Pack Beta Release V0.2 [FIXED]

I started a modification of the old John Deere 9880i STS combine. As its shape is similar to John Deere 9750 STS decided to modify it. The script. “Xml” has been completely renovated. There is no error in the “Log”. Best Regards RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Credits: Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Sounds: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Tanks: LS-UK members forum/ American Eagles. Version V0.2 BETA. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrm551z4q4lnvwo http://www.sendspace.com/file/mk6t24
Galucho ALU trailer
Model 3D Models/Textury Mr.Pawel, selonik by: EED 123 Modification: Hesston Convert and Fixed, Updated to LS11 by n00body Reskin: Cyparty Download: http://ul.to/pow0stry http://uploading.com/files/me3cbm66/galucho_alu.zip/
DAF 95XF 480 SpaceCab
Credits: Base model by tom91. Modification to 95 XF by igor. Remoded by me .Semaca Remoded and converted to ets by ventures87 ! THANKS A LOT ! Some mat stuff by news ! Thank you to ! Front daf wheel axle by wombat! Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/a6erbu http://www.mediafire.com/?hk8po6yvpbti19j
ECOSP Map v2
AUTHOR: maciey LAST MODIFICATION: 16 August 2011, 01:48 Download: http://ul.to/2njh0btl
350 Polish
ORIGINAL AUTHOR: SG2Powr EDIT AUTHOR: maciey LAST MODIFICATION: 28 listopada 2011, 21:23 Download: http://ul.to/qgn20whr
fendt 939 roll cage special AI v 1.0 [mp]
Credits: fendt 939vario Author: acert Umbauer: S04 Fan Tester: Fendt 309 Fan Edit: Aaronpost1989 ———————- jd platform Original model: Wohlstandskid modification terra-track: Treckerjack ———————- tweek jarlax Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122546855/de684c1/Fendt_Vario_939_Specialnormal.zip.html
John Deere 8330 v 2 [mp]
this is the newest version of 8330, changed some things and is not final version;sounds, front wheels , front weight,textures… are new , hope you like it and have a good game. If you have already installed V1 , that mod will replace it because it’s called with the same name to avoid confusion. That tractor was made in order to have a realistic game, so dont spect having the driveability of a F1 car . top speed :47 km/h Regards Adrien. Credits: Original modell: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Sotillo Download mods www.LS–UK.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/121326867/6bb41cf/aaabbb.zip.html
Landini 16500
Credits: For Landini 16500 (Original MF 3655) Model: Fendt413/PeterJ Edit: rh/henly20 Re-edit, Reskin, Fix & Script: Exia For the wheels: Original model: wohlstandskind Rebuild and modification: Clondike the JD 8530 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120043515/6f996f9/Landini16500.zip.html