Tag: modifications
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
Goldhofer achser 8 v 1.0

Description Now we come to a rarity of the 8 axles steer with 6. However from axis to axis in a different radius. This allows you to drive in tight corners immensely. Wishes, criticism or just suggestions for further modifications are welcome. Credits: umbau von ls11 auf ls13: by Alf Modell: by Darkmichi2
John Deere 500 Grain Cart

Description fruit= wheat barley rape maize soybean grass caff oat fertilizer cotton I made the new script. now works Credits Modell: Knagsted Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1]]>
More Realistic Houle 6100

Description Frasercow‘s Houle 6100 has now been converted to work with Dural’s More Realistic Mod. The slurry tanker originally appeared in Frasercow‘s Houle Tanker pack and has been converted with kind permissions. The original mod has been preserved and only dynamics related changes have been made. Modifications include correct scaling and physics dimensions and weight distribution as well as dynamic traveling values, such as breaking and suspension adjustment. This tank fills from the hole in the top and is best used with Frasercow‘s Houle fill stand. The Houle fill stand must be attached to the manure pit via Giants Editor. ... Read more
John Deere 500HKL transfer vehicles
Textur: Formula_1 Script: 08 Manuel L. / conversion, modifications LS11 Formula_1, Superlooper53 Ingame: Knagsted, Formula_1 Umbau zum HKL: Gnescher Download: http://ul.to/nom8b794
Fendt 9460R Pack
Hello dear community, it’s finally arrived: I do not trust me to publish something that owners will look weak systems without modding skills. I can has long been looking to find the right Fendt 9460, chop the straw, is not flood of data. FDJ Modding has given me the right Fendt. The novelty in this part are some modifications in the Keys and the autopilot. Also, the script should be a little cleaner. I can not guarantee that there are no Logfehler or eliminated is that when something is wrong keyboard layout. Have but tried to chop the straw with ... Read more
Midwest USA high
Credits: Bio plant by CMX earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO–PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin bale pit by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper sm bales by Emils96 stall hangar by Hay/Straw Shed by d8430t bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by Axel of Sweden Farm-tank system with two tanks by ... Read more
Deutz Fahr 7807 FL & Dirty
Description: (tracteur) NorthernModdingTeam – Fricke T. (chargeur) PLANET-LS Team – Guhl L. (modifications) Boni Download: Deutz Fahr 7807 FL & Dirty [Hotfile.com] Download: Deutz Fahr 7807 FL & Dirty [Uploading.com]
Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5
Description: Original fruits (Rape, wheat, barley, maize). Texture of barley has been modified to texture of rice. Cow Zone Areas of cultivation medium and small size. Already added vehicles to work. The map had minor modifications in relation to that shown in the video. Credits: Creation and editing of the map: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Models: Gaxi, Giants, Caca,???. Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5 [Hotfile.com] Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5 [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits)
Description: Ingame,Script: Defender Model: Shangri66 Multifruits and other modifications: TiagOliveira Download: CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits) [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Lexion 770TT + Headers (Multifruits) [Uploading.com]