Tagged: ModPack


Scania R470 ModPack

Description: Modell Edit by =GWo= DopeEx Inhalt: Scania R470 =GWo= Edit CT3200XL =GWo= Edit Kroeger Auflieger =GWo= Edit Download: Scania R470 ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: Scania R470 ModPack [Uploading.com]


Welcome to TEXAS Map

Description: ORIGINAL LS09: LSPortal Team Edit LS2011: jb3pc4sale Download: Welcome to TEXAS Map [Hotfile.com] Download: Welcome to TEXAS Map [Uploading.com] Download: ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: ModPack [Uploading.com]


SerbCro ModPack v1.1

Description: Model, Texture, Scripts and Convert: dammir, fric1993 and fare 022 Download: SerbCro ModPack v1.1 [Hotfile.com] Download: SerbCro ModPack v1.1 [Uploading.com]


CLAAS Lexion 770 ModPack

Description: Claas Lexion770: – Urmodell: Shangri66 – Modellumbau & Textur anpassungen: Repi – Skin edit: Repi Claas V1200: – Modell: Maurermatze – Anpassungen: Repi – Skin edit: Repi Claas Conspeed 12-75: – Modell: Unbekannt...


CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack

Description: Jaguar 980 Model und Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka,Giants CLAASVEET81 by mod-scheune Edit: Neiss LS11: Kleener–Putzi Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi DirectDisc 520, 610 Copyrights: Model und Textur: ? LS11 ready: Neiss...