Tip Alternative Edit

Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)
Unimog 1600 v0.5 BETA

Facts: Unimog 1600 by Maxter Released lying around for because of bad BETA Modular I nformation: Only a BETA version, improved full version may follow if he likes you! Note Model: Maxter texture: Maxter-game: Maxter tires: Thanks to Luis Ködel Is only released because it is lying around on my eyes too bad … IT IS NOT PERMITTED FOR OTHER MODELS TEXTURES OR MODS TO USE AND TO DOWNLOAD TO MAKE! Copyright INSIDE!
Small Farm Harrow

This is a small farm harrow. It functions as a cultivator and is worker compatible. We dont know if it is mp compatable if anyone is willing to try and pm me the results we will put you in the credits. Credits: AG FARMING MODS – Model, Texture Sndgrnd – Ingaming the mod Many thanks SamN – .13d Conversion Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?dy6t0ay7y72nth7 http://www.sendspace.com/file/r01p7h
Herlefeld Map-Ls 2011
Description: Benötigte Mods: MapDoorTrigger MapSuperSiloTrigger BGA Scripte von Heady Großer Hof: Halle mit Rolltor: Börndi Halle im Berghang: Fendt208V Kuhstall auf Hof: face Bäume: Desperados93; Giants Güllebunker: Giants Wohnhaus: Janhenrik Zuchtstall an Weide: eifok Kleiner Hof: Güllebunker: face Getreidelager: IHC Master Abkipphalle: SourceWorks Unterstellmöglichkeiten: pfreek; Dorf: Bürgersteige: Desperados93 Häuser: Giants Fahrzeuge: Giants Zäune: Desperados93; Giants /iMarwin Stromhäuschen: Giants LIDL Supermarkt: Modsource Ambient: Strommasten: unbekannt ft. Desperados93 Autobahn: Fatian; SourceWorks Autobahnbrücke: Desperados93 Landhandel: eifok Zeppelin: Giants (DC) Händler: Zaun+Schiebetor: Desperados93 Gebäude: Giants (SRS) BGA+Script: pfreek sven777b Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137946266/70bdbf5/Herlefeld.html
MapByBandit V1 1 Edit2 by tallmike
original map, mods and DLC content – Giants Original map edit – Bandit Further edits – tallmike Download: http://ul.to/abog8vw4
Eddies Farm
This is the 2nd map i have uploaded, it is a smaller map, with plenty to do, ideal for single player, but will work multiplayer.There is 1 farm 5 sell points, cattle and dairy, manual milk sell, the darker fields are all ready to be harvested, all the lighter fields are ready to sow. There are a few mods in pack, everything is in there to do all the fruits. There are a couple of static errors in map,if you use the mods in pack there are a few errors, but i only put them in there to get you ... Read more
John Deere 1550 Pack
Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit:wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK:John Deere 1550,Cutter JD 625H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1550 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 625H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JD Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Uploading.com]
IH 735
Description: Model:IH 10-735 ls mods 2008 autor: unknown adaptation ls09: xyzspain LS11:surci Download: IH 735 [Hotfile.com] Download: IH 735 [Uploading.com]
John Deere 1450 Pack
Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit: wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK: John Deere 1450,Cutter JD 622H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1450 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 622H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JOHN DEERE Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1450 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1450 Pack [Uploading.com]
John Deere 1550 Pack
Description: Multiplayer Unzip the folder MODS Fruit:wheat rape maize barley oat triticale rye sunflower mohn soybean PACK:John Deere 1550,Cutter JD 625H, Cutter JD Corn, JD Trailer Press the letter F to go several times linking the Headlights Credits: JOHN DEERE 1550 [Model: Formula_1 Textur, Script: Formula_1 JD 625H Model:JD600R Modificacões:Formula_1 Edit, Textur: Formula_1 JD Corn Cutter Convert by Dzanito edit john deere: fORMULA_1 JOHN DEERE Trailer Convert by Dzanito EDIT JOHNH DEERE: Formula-1 Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1550 Pack [Uploading.com]