Tag: Modteam
CAT 966 H V 2.0

Description – Tire dust – Washable / dirtskin – Rearview – Steering lock – ESLimiter – OpHours The following fruits can now be loaded: – Potatoes – Sugar beet – grass – straw – silage – chopped – Concentrate – Mist Credits: Giants Farmerjoe Chefkoch_LS2011 Scripts: Sven777b Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding) Henly20 (Ls_uk Modteam) MMagrarservice Modelleicher “iMonitor” Bild Master Xerion
Tip Alternative Edit

Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)
Barrel Holder

Description This is a attachment to have in the front of the tractor when you are baling. Credits Textures: Chrille154, LS–UK Modteam Model: Chrille154, LS–UK Modteam
MF 8480 V2.0
Here is my v2 of the MF 8480 from my 8400 pack. This one should be a little more complete. No errors, new textures, more detail, opening doors etc. I have also cleaned the folder and rebuilt the I3d file. It has following features. Manual Ignition Front and Rear duals BEL 3.1 Wheel dust(V.2) Dirt tracks(V.2) ES limiter Hud info display(V.2) PloughingSpec(V.2) Hope you will like it.Smiley Credits V1 Edit by Henkeman Basemodel: Deutzjeck93 8480 edit: ottopersson New skins: Henkeman Trelleborg wheels: Tires: 3xitus Rims: STIANBY Lightsaddon: Sven777b Powershaftattacher and ESlimiter: SFM modding Dualwheelscripts and manual ignition: LS-UK Modteam V2 ... Read more
Valtra 900 Pack [MP]
Valtra 900 Pack includes: Valtra 900 2WD Valtra 900 4WD Valtra 900 4WD with Frontloader MP-LIFT 255 Tractors work in Multiplayer! Features: 1:1 scale AO Texture Opening doors and rear window Dual Wheels Worklights Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Controls: 0 – Menu on/off KP , – Ignition KP 1, 2 – Open/Close Doors KP 3 – Autosteer On/Off KP 4 – Worklights On/Off KP 5 – Rear Duels On/Off KP 6 – Front Duels On/Off KP 8 – Open/Close Rear Window Credits Model, Texture and Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam (www.ls-uk.info), Modified by Tepa00 Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro ... Read more
Anderson farm
this is my edit of oak_farm. i have moved the yards about and took out the gate posts to get in and out of fields easier. i have re done all of the fields so that they hopefully dont turn green when you cut them.one farm is for arable machinery and the other is a little cow farm. all the fields are planted with ither Wheat,Barley,maize or grass. Hope you like my edit if you try it. Credits Edit- ClaasJaguar870 Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ Buildings – Modteam
Kidd Inline Rotoflail
A Kidd Inline Rotoflail made between the late 50/early 60s scaled 1:1 perfect for use behind an older classic Credits Model/Texture/Ingame :ALS Script :Burner With Special thanks to the LS-UK Modteam for letting me use their clayson wheels and one or two other bits of help
Massey Ferguson 6280 Pack
Massey Ferguson 6280 Massey Ferguson 6280 with Quicke Q980 Frontloader Both tractors work like a dream in Single AND Multiplayer Feartures: 1:1 Scale Model Realistic Interiors High Resolution Model Dual Wheels Tilting Front Axle Openable Doors Worklights Autosteer 3.0 DO NOT UPLOAD THIS MOD TO ANY OTHER FILE HOSTERS Credits Model, Ingame and Textures: Tepa00 Scripts by The LS-UK Modteam Autosteer 3.0 by Xentro Testing by DylanAlcorn, Kartturi and Jeppee
Massey Ferguson 35 v2
Model: Tepa00 Textures: Tepa00, Keke Ingame: Tepa00 Scripts: LS-UK Modteam (henly20) Ingame testing: Jellona77, Haasa90, DylanAlcronLawd.
Fiat 455 Montagna v3.0
Modello3d / Skin / Suoni / Ingame: 352c Script/Animation: Harley – Sven777b Lifter/Cab/Worklight/Weight scripts: Henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Terratrac script: Shangri66 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?c3ga3omi5xvu4cg http://www.sendspace.com/file/s9cmh3