Tag: mohn
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

[gallery link=”file”] That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for ... Read more
PACK Double grain trailer GUERRA

That and a double trailer widely used in Brazil, and composed of two trailers, but can be used separately. As highlighted in the LED flashlights, those I modeled from scratch. System has turn signals, brake lights and reverse. Raise the hitch brackets or sable, ai in each region has a different name. The canvas displayed by pressing the “8” and rodoares “9”. Load capacity of 75,000 liters and the first hitch + or – 52 ton rear hitch and 85,000 liters + or – 60 ton with rear unloading. This load is not real but people asked for a higher ... Read more
Remolques Agrobellon

Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more
Claas bucket
fruittypes: wheat barley rye oat rape maize soybean sunflower potato carrot karotte dung manure silage chaff grass dryGrass mohn sugarbeet fertilizer capacity:1850 price:1000 Credits modeler / texture: CLAASVEET81 Edit + reskin: Geertyb0y
John Deere 1760 12 row planter V1.2
This is an improvement on V1.1 by nonomi of the original mod by Knagsted and is uploaded with permission of Knagsted. The lua script has been replaced with the 1760 script Tubman did for the IH Cyclo planter. Tubman unfortunately seems to be uncontactable. The capacity is unchanged at 1000 as this appears to be close to correct, equating to approx 36 bushels. The price has been changed to 49000 about average for a used one. Fruits supported are now: wheat oat barley rape sunflower mohn rice soybean erbsen pea carrot potato grass maize maizev2 nad sugarcane sugarbeet cotton rye ... Read more
Start Map Multifruit
Hi. This is a great start map for those who like more experience with fruits. Smiley * The start map have maybe too much fruits or channels. * But if that some wrong, send me a pm. So I can maybe help with your problem. * I have tried and tested the map, and that work well for me. Smiley The map include Fruits : Soybean,potato,artichoke,carrots,cotton, green beans, sunflower, Sugarbeets,Potatoes,Standard Fruits, Hafer, beans, wild berries, tomatoes, grapes, pumpkins, onion, black berries(unsure about that works), mushroom, mohn and melons. * So i hope this start map will help you on a ... Read more
Energy Combine Pack
3 combines re-skinned red bull, monster and rockstar all the combines have matching headers tank-25000 FruitTypes=wheat,rape,maize,barley,oat,rice,sunflower,mohn,rye and grass. Credits: skin of the combines and of the headers and AP-joker83 headers by meistro, converted by jb3pc4sale Model Original:Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Download: http://ul.to/7f3s5vz5
Newbie Farm V1
* Edit of default map * factory added (you can sell cotton, sugarbeet, soybean, mohn and here).. * Multi silo added due to so many fruit types (works in single player) * All fields numbered. * PDA Map updated. * Bakery added near the mountain pass by the castle. * Supermarket changed to mall and given a sell point. * Fuel station added. * Fruit script added. * Following scripts added to map to reduce mods required to add, clock, DarkerNight, weed, FruitHudText, HiredConsumesResources, MultiplePricesSilosInPDA, RunningCosts, ShowWorkersOnPDA and newpda (newpda works in conjunction with shows workers on map) * Weeds ... Read more
Neuenburger Land v1
Zusätzlich zu den Standardfrüchten gibt es noch Sonnenblumen, Kartoffeln, Zuckerrüben und Mohn. Eine BGA mit Ballenkraftwerk ist auch vorhanden. Abladestellen: Mühle: –Weizen –Gerste -Raps -Sonnenblumen Landhandel: -Kartoffeln -Rüben -Mohn -Sonnenblumen Billinger: –Weizen –Gerste –Mais -Mohn Bio-Kraftwerk: –Mist -Gülle Download
Gross BauernMap v1
Auf der GrossBauernMap 2012 Version 01 gibt es folgende Früchte : wheat ,barley ,rape ,maize ,grass ,betterave ,carrot ,mohn ,erbse ,greenwheat ,pea ,salat ,erdbeeren ,lauchzwiebel ,schnittlauch ,dryGrass ,oat ,rye ,sunflower ,cotton ,potato ,ananas ,tee ,rice ,sugarcane ,soybean ,rotkohl ,weisskohl ,wirsingkohl ,blumkohl ,sugarbeet ,gruenbo ,nad ,gelbbo ,spinat ,luzerne ,aubergine ,minze ,kohlrabi ,tomate ,artichoke ,wassermelone ,honigmelone ,champingons ,triticale ,sorghum und corn . Download