Tag: mouse button
1:1 Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Player Camera v 1.0

Left click and hold to scroll with the mouse wheel: view up, down Rights hold mouse button, scroll with the mouse wheel: back view and zoom out Credits: Heady JD129 Ls zockerdup1
Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Do not modify without my permission. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Claas Jaguar 870 Pack (Manual Spout)

Here is the Claas Jaguar Chopper, Claas PU300 (Grass) and Claas Orbis 750 (Maize) headers. This chopper has a manual spout which adds more realism to the game. It also has a manual function of lifting and lowering the header. It is advised that a joystick controller is used as this will make the operation of the spout easier. Manual Controls: Spout raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving mouse left or right. Header raise/lower: Hold left mouse button while moving the mouse up or down. Spout swivel left or right: Hold right mouse button while moving mouse left or ... Read more
Massey Ferguson 6170 v1
This is the Massey Ferguson modcontest from everything I’ve done it scaled 1:1 and changed the numbers on the page. I hope for a better version that will include hopefuly do the following: – Passenger seat mod – Front Loader – New tires To the top by Dynashift transmission (ABCD), press, press the left mouse button and then you come down with the right mouse button and to the standard steps at one time to go home and come back to the bottom in which you press Exit. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?has8foi27pos872 http://www.sendspace.com/file/93l4na