Tag: MR
Schlüter Super Trac 3000

Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Balu

Credits: Modell: schlueterfan1977 Textur: schlueterfan1977 Ingame: schlueterfan1977 Scripts: modelleicher(RadsturzV2, Zylinder, realExhaustParticleSystem, realisticIndoorCam,visibilityByAttachedObject) Face(PowerShaft, OperatingHours, ESLimiter); Mythos(extraWeights); MR.X(gasLimiter) Sven777b(BelV3, toggleAnimatedParts) Sound: Toxic9377 Anbau Frontlader Sigma4: Ago-Systemtech Features: – Front u. Heckscheibe zum öffnen – Klappbare RUL – FH Arme klappbar – Blinker u. Warnblinker – paar Kleinigkeiten – Realistischer Radsturz – realistischer Auspuffqualm – realisticIndoorCam (beta) – ESLimiter, Powershaftattacher, Betriebsstundenzähler
Fiat 90 DT

this is a fiat that i uploaded from another site for farming simulator 2011 it featurs -switchable front weights -relistic exhaust smoke -animated rear hydraulics -relistic camber -relestic indor cam(beta) -upper arm appears out if nothing is attached -turn signals,lights work -eslimiter -throttle limiter-real life sound thanxs for downloading this mod Credits original:chrisp umbaui:schluetefan1977 ingame:schluetefan1977 scripts:(model)eicher,real exaust partical systems for fiat(mythos extra weights(MR.X)gaslimiter sound: toxic9377
John Deere 6830 Premium V3
Welcome to the John Deere 6830 Premium this is the v3 of this tractor in this edit it has: 1.better sound 2.3 cameras 3.indicators 4.doors and back window that open Controls are: Number pad 1&3 are Left and right indicators 2 hazards 4 rear window Non number pad 6 front linkage up/down 7 left cab door 9 right cab door 5 front work lights 6 rear work lights Hope you like mr helppers edit Smiley if you have any problems please contact MR HELPPER (lsuk) Specializations : working dashboard ,opening windows and indicators -stefan zimmerman Credits Models & Base Textures ... Read more
Mercedes-Benz MP4 4×2
Mary Sue-Edition für GTS/ATS und ETS… ————————————— Credits MP4 4×2: ================================= Roadhunter base MR.Green first tuned by region59 Kelsa by Hotracer Tagfahrlicht by Alex Wheels by Ventyres New chasis by Königszapfen Credits Skin: =================================== Mary Sue-Skin by Königszapfen ———————————— Der Pack besteht jeweils aus einem MP4-Mod für GTS/ATS und ETS… Viel Spaß mit der Mary Sue-Edition… Gruß Königszapfen
MaschienenRing FMJ Advendskalender
Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136718999/640068b/MR–FMJ-Advendskalender.rtf.html
MR FMJ newspaper
Zeitung Made: by FMJ GmbH&CO.KG Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136483471/2b751a7/FMJDIE1.teil1.rtf.html
John Deere 7930 Seed-Pack
Credits: Modell: ? LS 11: Andy W Script: Fendt413, Byan Umbau Monosem 09: CLAASVEET81 by MR-Hickert and Co. Amazone skin: Bindesboel Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126098235/52c7b2b/John_Deere_7930_Seed-Pack.zip.html
Monosem Monopill
Description: LS 11: Andy W Script: Fendt413, Byan Umbau Monosem 09: CLAASVEET81 by MR-Hickert & Co. Download: Monosem Monopill [Hotfile.com] Download: Monosem Monopill [Uploading.com]