Tag: MultiFruit
Risslingby_V2 Multifruit

Thanks to: rallyjoel Scripting and mp testing Bonde09 buildings and objects made by: Axel_of_Sweden Samuelswe Venom Download: http://ul.to/1zpeto3w
Claas V2800 T v 3 multifruit

Credits: Claas V2800 T cutter Arbeitsbreite 28 m Umbau: Shippy74 virtualfarming.de LS11 convert : Scream Vsit us : www.LS-Modworld2010.de Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/120040086/5996fd7/Claas_V2800_Multifruit_V3.zip.html
John Deere 1760
Description: LS09:Knagsted Multifruit:loren LS11:? Download: John Deere 1760 [Hotfile.com] Download: John Deere 1760 [Uploading.com]
Ser Map v2 (MultiFruit)
Description: By: gswlad Download: Ser Map v2 (MultiFruit) [Hotfile.com] Download: Ser Map v2 (MultiFruit) [Uploading.com]