Tag: nad
John Deere 1760 12 row planter V1.2

This is an improvement on V1.1 by nonomi of the original mod by Knagsted and is uploaded with permission of Knagsted. The lua script has been replaced with the 1760 script Tubman did for the IH Cyclo planter. Tubman unfortunately seems to be uncontactable. The capacity is unchanged at 1000 as this appears to be close to correct, equating to approx 36 bushels. The price has been changed to 49000 about average for a used one. Fruits supported are now: wheat oat barley rape sunflower mohn rice soybean erbsen pea carrot potato grass maize maizev2 nad sugarcane sugarbeet cotton rye ... Read more
VW LT 45

The LT shall undertake the following types of fruit wheat maize barley grass sunflower rape sugarbeet betterave carrot potato spinach sand blum red cabbage cabbage cabbage white pea soybean rice gelbbo gruenbo savoy cabbage decision pea green cotton wheat alfalfa poppy maize2 oat mint tea nad sugarcane sunflower radish Permitted load of 8 tons Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?77bpdw4idt9dp9x http://www.sendspace.com/file/v2n2ru
Gross BauernMap v1

Auf der GrossBauernMap 2012 Version 01 gibt es folgende Früchte : wheat ,barley ,rape ,maize ,grass ,betterave ,carrot ,mohn ,erbse ,greenwheat ,pea ,salat ,erdbeeren ,lauchzwiebel ,schnittlauch ,dryGrass ,oat ,rye ,sunflower ,cotton ,potato ,ananas ,tee ,rice ,sugarcane ,soybean ,rotkohl ,weisskohl ,wirsingkohl ,blumkohl ,sugarbeet ,gruenbo ,nad ,gelbbo ,spinat ,luzerne ,aubergine ,minze ,kohlrabi ,tomate ,artichoke ,wassermelone ,honigmelone ,champingons ,triticale ,sorghum und corn . Download
Pack: 2 Trailers fruit=wheat barley rape maize silage grass dryGrass sugarbeet carrot potato sunflower maize2 spinat oat mohn betterave karotte sand rotkohl blumkohl soybean pea weisskohl gelbbo gruenbo rice erbse wirsingkohl luzerne nad sugarcane greewheat Models/Scripts/Textura/Som: Formula_1 Thaks: FazendeiroBR, Sandro Download:
MV Fekal
Credits: Convert nad edit by Dzanito skin by agronom-cz Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124213943/b9563ab/Fekal.zip.html