Tag: new model

hello i gotten permission to this mod it is A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ ski 50 v 1.o dump trailer it has Lifting capacity 80000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl corn sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! that is my desciption i hope you enjoye i just edited the kg to 80000 and put in corn hope you like it Credits this mod ... Read more
Garant PTR 25.000 Profi

Here is the Garant PTR profi series manure spreader,is not a brand new model, just a re skin and some new wheels and model updates, it is 1:1 scaled and has michelin Xbib tyres. I hope that all of you like that manure spreader and remember to use a powrful tractor to puli it propperly. Credits: Michelin X Bib tyres : Agrotron 155 Model/textures : Daniel11 and Sotillo Model updates and tweaks : Sotillo Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?71u4z5a011b4tng http://www.sendspace.com/file/1xumuq
Scania R500 new model bdf by Paulo

Download: http://ul.to/ojn30ttx http://www.fileserving.com/files/HnfWn3yc_J
SCHMITZ SKI 50 v 1.0
A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ! Lifting capacity 50000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! Download: http://ul.to/9bpk4k5u
PRONTO 17 BS-Q v 1.0
The new model drill PRONTO 17 BS-Q! Width of 17 meters! Hopper Capacity 2200 kg! Designed for medium fields! Download: http://www.fileserve.com/file/uqYpWZD/pronto17BS.zip http://ul.to/3obxr3dr
this is a new model of garage for yours vehicles. put this model in your map with giants editor. i hope that you will like it. by croatian-mod-team devil revenge. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138543358/6f56098/Garage.zip.html
Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I
Description: It is a new model Credits: Edit:Giants Software By audir8master Download: Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I [Hotfile.com] Download: Dacia Logan 1.4MP.I [Uploading.com]