Tag: nick
Deutz-Fahr AgroStar 6.71

Deutz-Fahr AgroStar 6.71 Edit by Nick Jepsen (nick-deutz) the tractor details : Open dore and windows add double weels light and worklight double warning lights chrome exhaust blinker left and right Credits Deutz DX Power Sven777b edit By Nick Jepsen (me)

credits: model: nick textures nick koen ingame nick Download: http://ul.to/tnnp2vxd http://uploading.com/files/84a22772/CCMDeutz80062wd.zip/
Nitron Lehmätila

Map by: Nitrobullx Buildings: I can’t remember nick’s,but big thanks to them! Download: http://ul.to/eiz76imb
JohnDeere 6100 with FL
by Julian11, Koedel, Alex Script : SFM Modding, Henly20 Skin rebuilt :farmer nick Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137752380/df3875f/JD_6100_V5.zip.html