Tag: Nikl

Mapper: xXTimXx Objekte: pfreek, fatian, Noppi, Cyber11, Nikl, Desperados93, JanHenrik und diverse weitere. Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fci1nx
Blackcrow Farm

BGA scripts Heady Mr “F” For map objects Tobsel88 for the tree’s Fatian for the roads Nikl for the fert barn Luis for the grass texture LS–UK modteam for the use of their Buildings Spider for the hedges HeadshotXXL/Burner for the weed mod Koper/HmcrE for the Liquid manure and solid manure mod Imarvin for the gate pfreek for many detail‘s such as signs/fences etc.. Nico/Lip4 for the cow/grain barns D4rkfr34k for the grain sell point barn Desperados93 for his edited scripts for the liquid and solid manure mod LS–UK Modteam for their edit of the alternativetipping And last but not ... Read more
Fendt 380 GTA Sprayer

Fendt 380 GTA Rau Spridomat Rau Spridoport Credits: Fendt 380 GTA; SFM-Modding Rau Spridomat; Modell: Stefan13 Textur: Klemen12 Rau Spridoport; Modell: Bullet Textur: Bullet Ingame: Bullet/ Nikl Scripts: Outlaw/HeadschotXXL Download: GTA–Sprayer.rar
Bob\’s Farm V2.1 – A Cunning plan with an Onion

Credits updated clutter pack – sandgroper wooden manure clamp – griffydam manure pipe – janLandby red hayshed – farmerl / dalaid Hoover dam bridge – Tonio87 3 Strand Fence – Blackburner Hay Shed – Sandgroper on LS-UK Livestock Equipment Pack – Deutz Fahr UK or MF6160 Double corrougated General storage shed Old – Jd8430t Building – Models:Nikl Textures:Bullet Sliding Script – Desperados93 Download: http://ul.to/upkrcsr5
Glenvar 2011 v3.1
MAP Edited by Tiago Piloneto FertilitzerMod Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team Hofsiloanlag Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 DDR Tankstelle >DDR_Bauer< Download: http://ul.to/iyke9eaf
Agritec 2011 v4.3 – With DLC2 BGA
MAP: Tiago Piloneto BGA Modder: Silo klein & mittel: Silowand: MF390 Silo-Planen: Heady Silo groß: Siloplatte: Fatian Silo-Planen: Heady Script: Heady Publisher: PLANET-LS Fermentation tanks and other objects (BGA): Modsource v5 Modelle und Felder: Bigfarmer145 Organisationen Ideen und Hofgestaltung: Sevorane Silos für Gras und Mais Modell und Texturen : Jimkerk Script Heady / Bgasilos1.4 Edit Jimkerk FertilitzerMod Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team Hofsiloanlag Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 Platten, Silos, Mühle, dairy, Brauerei (new skins): Mecklenburg Vorpommern Map v1 by maurermatze & tommy r PioneerSeed This map object was released as Getreide_AG_by_icemann3072. I wanted it to be a ... Read more
AlpenChallenge v 1 heady bga
Credits: Original ’09: Hennen2002, JD7530 Umbau für ’11: fruktor supported by Arnold, Dennis Busch, Fatian, Psyko, Nikl and tommy_r Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128275387/35606e5/AlpenChallenge_HeadyBGA.zip.html
Osthessen MAP v 4.0
Credits: Desperados,Heady,Wohlastandskond,Börndi,Svenn777b,Fatian, Nikl und Christoph Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126886695/9ff3569/OSTHESSEN_BITTE_ENPACKEN.rar.html
Glenvar 2011
Credits: MAP ———————————– Edited by Tiago Piloneto ———————————– ———————————– FertilitzerMod ———————————– Idee: Dachskiller Model: Nikl Script:sven18koehler/fruktor Powerd by Eifok-Team ———————————– ———————————– Hofsiloanlag ———————————– Geplant, gebaut von icemann3072 ———————————– ———————————– DDR Tankstelle ———————————– >DDR_Bauer< Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126055538/56b4799/GLENVAR2011unpackme.zip.html