Tag: non
IMT 5500 V2

Description – completely new rear end of tractor – new lights – fixed some lighting issues – add a lot of new materials for more realistic look – add mirrors – made some materials to be non transparent – fixed camera – added glass features of the tractor: – motorized – steerable – hirable – aiTractor – raba245 – RABAsteering Credits Model, Texture, Scripts and Convert: dammir and fare 022 IMT 5500 V2 by Vex90
Claas Jaguar 900 Field Shuttle pack edit by EddieVegas

To use this mod and to get it into the store you need v2.0 or newer of the game. It’s EASY to read the release notes when you are about to download a mod and find that out instead of complaining before you know. Patch can be found here for the non steam and mac users: Giants update page and its FREE! This is the Jaguar 900 Fieldshuttle pack for LS2011 by Knuuud [LS-UK] and Herrman. Featuring REAL knicksteering, auto aiming in turns, fully washable, fully illuminated. Detach the trailer and attach another while your buddy drives it back to ... Read more
Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds (v0.9beta)

Are you annoyed at the hired workers somehow magically do not use any seeds or fuel. This little mod changes that, so they now do. However be aware that the hired workers are pretty dumb, so they do not notice when the seeds run dry, but will still drive on. Also, they can run out of fuel too. Note: This mod will not work for vehicles that use a non–standard ‘Hirable’ specialization. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/137563411/938ced4/ZZZ_HiredWorkerConsumesFuelSeeds.zip.html
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more