Tag: org
UPGRADE01 GrossBauernMap the 2012 version 01 by Ka88

by Ka88 / www.das-portal.org Download: http://ul.to/bx0hji1c http://uploading.com/files/9fm7a85f/GBM2012-upgrade01.rar/
Gross Bauern Map

Original von Giants Umbau ,Idee by Ka88 / www.das-portal.org Strassennetz by Daniiii Kuhstall by 3malx Fachwerkhalle by WayneischGeld Biolandhof 2011 by Steffen30muc / Dachskiller Raiffeisen Handel by D4rkfr34k Download: http://ul.to/qplhgvxn http://uploading.com/files/841f2722/GBM2012V01byKa88.zip/
GrossBauerMap Version 4.5

Original Map : Giants Umbau und erweiterung : Ka88 / www.das-portal.org Danke an allen Moddern deren Objekte verbaut wurden Download: http://ul.to/qvwubbpf http://uploading.com/files/4e65m3d3/grossbauermapv4-5.zip/
GLENVAR 2011 v3.5
Description: by:Tiago Piloneto Map with brand new objects, you must to play this map! Size: 158MB Download: 011 v3.5[ShareCash.org]
MB Actros 1840 – XC v1.1 for ETS

Introduction: MB Actros 1840 – XC v1.1 for ETS by OLS. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: by OLS More Screenshots at:http://bbs.18wos.org/viewthread.html?tid=12814 【Download】: ETS_mb_1840_XC_v1_1_by_ols.rar (23.73 MB)
Military Trailer Series: Tank for ETS
Instead opentop trailer, haul goods: coal gravel ore. Install: put scs file into your mod directory, then everything should be all right. Credits: FireII(jianxun) Download: FireII_ETS_TANK_II_L.rar
Scania R560 6×4 for GTS
Introduction: Scania R560 6×4 for GTS Replaces scania C class in the game Install: extract the scs files into mod folder Credits: made by Escape, reprinted here from ets.org Download: Scania R560 6×4 vs ETS.org.rar (10.12 MB)