Tag: Original Map
Glenvar 2012 – Final Edition v6.0

Welcome to the 2012 Glenvar map. After a long time without any update, I tried to make a final version for this map. In 2011 I made the conversion from version 2009 to 2012. Now bring the remodeling of the 2011 version with several enhancements and new features. New detailed textures extend over about 400 hectares of land to cultivate. The map was created in 2009 Glenvar Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team and converted by Ls Portal Team Italy. So I converted the original map for LS2011. With the same abject, only new vegetation and cultivated fields. Credits: Original Map: ... Read more
Original map with potatoes and turnips and HD textures

Original map with potatoes and turnips and HD textures v 1.0 plus roads Lienen medium and 8 new textures Download: http://ul.to/6o7lmsxj http://www.fileserving.com/files/nfZQDzJDby/OrginalMap.zip
Original Map mit neuen Wegen Mod

Dies ist die Original Map. Ich hab nur 3 neu wege eingefügt die die Talstationen verbinden, damit man mit dem Pistenbully ohne über die straße fahren zu müssen, weil das leicht unlogisch ist, auf dem schnellsten weg von station zu station kommt. Siehe bild. Zusätzlich habe ich noch einen kleinen hof eingerichtet der an der Hoger station liegt. Wer ideen für eine V2 hat bitte posten werde dann versuchen es zu realisieren wenn genügend verbesserungen vorliegen (habe selber auch schon verbesserungen vorgenommen) Download: http://ul.to/9aqr6zgc
Farming Simulator 2011 Map
-Edited from the Original Map -Varied terrain and a lot of fields of different sizes -In addition to the original grain: Cotton, Greenwheat, Potato, Soybean, Sugarbeet and Sunflower -All cereals own silos -2 Sale takes place, which may be sold to any other products, but not manure -PDA Map Updated Installation: Disassemble / take FarmingSimulator_11_Map_v4_by_wopito.zip package, the FS_11_Map_v4_by wopito.zip and Map_Fuits.zip Package your game mod folder Download: http://ul.to/2g3hdyiv http://freakshare.com/files/8jzj4d63/FS11_Map_v4.zip.html
GrossBauerMap Version 4.5
Original Map : Giants Umbau und erweiterung : Ka88 / www.das-portal.org Danke an allen Moddern deren Objekte verbaut wurden Download: http://ul.to/qvwubbpf http://uploading.com/files/4e65m3d3/grossbauermapv4-5.zip/
Glenvar 2011 v 4.0 DLC2 BGA final edition Maps
Refurbished and converted to version 2011 / updated by Tiago Piloneto Original Map: Bayn – TSF3 Mod Team Converted by: Ls Portal Italy Team Download: http://ul.to/t4b8w72b
Nod500 – Standhill Farm (V2 / MP Version)
Buildings – LS-UK Official Modteam. Brittish Buildings – Nod500 & Deutz Fahr UK Models – Deutz Fahr UK Testers – Deutz Fahr UK & Nod500 Original Map – Russ & Taz5 New Edit – Nod500 Download: http://ul.to/iqj1v49v
Vensmap Re-edit
Original Map: Thijs de Haan, Hunterveen & Mooi-Wark Edit: RTH29 Download: http://ul.to/pf7ipbha
The Brandt Farm 2.0 (MP)
Original Map: Jameshbrandt Edit: RTH29 Used Models: -Astojic -RRS -Gerzi/Bitten -Venom -Fendtmeister -Dodo27 -PCSPast/Klausela -PCSPast -Katsuo/Lanz Buldog Download: http://ul.to/rtsdjaj0