Tag: others
Benne Huret 18 tonnes Full details v 2 rot

Description Hi folks here the task Benne Huret 18 tonnes Full détails for you there for the ls11 and have only had the reworked for you because there was a comment that he make net for LS13 he can just said I play ls11 and still others have also and since I’ve made in only ls11 he wrote. and I have it here for you. It can load everything, it is a 18t. wheat rape maize barley chaff grass fertilizer manure sugarbeet lime potato. Credits: keiner
Fendt Schnneeschild v 1.1 Snow

Description The shield has been tested by me and unfortunately a couple of the others have logfehler snow plows too. Credits: modell: Giants scripte: xXMalleXx umbau + ls13: valtrafan
Hoosierland Farm

This farm is a flat, open farm with medium to large fields. The field shapes and sizes are based on real life fields in my area. To be true to the Indiana farm type, there are only 3 crops available in the map: Wheat, Soybean, and Corn. There are 691 acres of fields in this map. There is one main farm in the Southwest corner with a dealership across the street. Cargill and Pioneer seed are available to sell your crops. Pioneer Seed also has seed, fertilizer, and bale shredder. Main farm has small cow area with grass and silage ... Read more
Valtra 8050 Fixed version
Hey, this is Fixed version in Valtra 8050, and tractor have Valtra’s 50-year celebration color. Send message for me, if you have something feedback. Features: TwinWheels Front/Rear Passengermod Worklights Front/Rear Beacons Quicke Frontloader mounts ESLimiter Over width lights 1:1 Mod Removable front weights Thank you to all who have been involved in the project!! Credits Modell: Wiuwe Ingame: Wiuwe Texturs: Wiuwe, Ännä, XarioN +others Scripts: PeterJ,Henly20 / Giants
Kverneland PB-100 v2
Kverneland PB-100 V2 is a new version of the Kverneland PB-100 plough. I think the PB-100 plough is one of the best ploughs you can download, it works really great and with a new design and more improvements. I’m sure that the Kverneland PB-100 V2 plough will be one of your favorite ploughs for Farming Simulator 2011. Hope you like the Kverneland plough. -ErikDK Modding. Key’s Q = attach N = plough left M = plough right V = plough down ____________________________________________ Dont upload it to others websites without my permission
This map was edited heavy by kesboer i used a great map, i edited it alot more details changed textures, removed and added new buildings like the bga from manuel also the windmills and how about the feedingcenter for this part of the map there is an new mod comming a Schuitemaker feedo 840. i changed also the fields made some bigger ore moved it i created also a lot of new fields with a nice landscape with an eye for detail! Feedingcenter: here you can store your silage/grass to let it make silo this product you can sel at ... Read more
Ford 555
Features: – Mouse controlled front loader with standard frontloader and telehandler type attachers – Key controlled back actor – Opening left door – Opening rear window (toggle visible / invisible) – Rotating platform (driver seat and camera) for back actor mode operation with wider field of vision – Working stabiliser jacks – Not multiplayer compatible – 3 skins (see textures folder for the 3 skins folders and modify i3d file to point to the one you want) – Engine note drops and exhaust emits more smoke when hydraulics are activated (configurable in JCB_3CX_4WD.xml renamed to Ford_555) – Full hydraulics animation ... Read more
Farming Area
Giants for the trees Giants for the software FlashFire09 for the silos BobMaster66 for the Shop CMXOC100 for the Lagerhaus Funky_ls for the basicmap All others i forgot. Download: http://ul.to/72hi3jmm
Farm Hundimetsa V3
Edit by Venom and by Metsavend. Scripts: potato/sugarbeet by Wernesgrüner. weed by Headshot XXL/ Burner. Bale Destroy Prices by TwistedGA. Buildings and objects by GIANTS,by Venom,by ar1g3,by Axel_of_Sweden,by DESCH,by juketsu,by Claas01,by sketchup,by dodo27 ,by Sangroper,by Janhenrik,by Börndi ,by Beckar and many others. Many thanks to all modmasters. Download: http://ul.to/j49mq2zz http://freakshare.com/files/mpjgyqjj/hundimetsa.zip.html
This is built from the original map, only with new textures, new growth times, bale pits, and boundry fences and some larger fields. Entry to the farm is via a set of gates (Main entrance, there are others) you must open these to let the milk tanker in!… Download: http://ul.to/2r8nb77z http://www.filesonic.com/file/hquRza8/UnzipMe.zip