Tag: Pack
Norwegian Building Pack

Here I have made a small Building pack for you. The pack consist of: -> One Old Norwegian barn. – That has sell triggers for ALL original fruits between the two silos, in front of the door, A baleshredder just inside the barn ( about in the middle of the floor), A Liquid manure trigger, and also a manure heap with trigger. -> One Equipment shed – This one does not have any functions, only a shed for storage of your equipment. -> One small Shed – This one does not have any functions, this is only a small shed ... Read more
John Deere 1110D Foresty pack
This is foresty pack,which had these mods. – John Deere 1110D Forwarder – Grapple – New logs,which are easy to handle and you can pick over 5 logs. (Must add with GE) There is couple of new scripts. – Moving seat – Cranelock Cranelock means that you can’t use crane if seat is in “transport” position. You need Roate the seat by pressing N or M key. Seat must be roate over 90 degrees and then the crane start working. And steering changes commands when your seat is transport or workposition…I can’t tell that correctly,but you will found out what ... Read more
FS2011 Deutz Tractor Pack (Washable)
This is the Default FS2011 Tractors, with a few enhancements. This is a re-upload as the original version is missing a texture file. All the vehicles are washable, and wheelparticles. They also have ESlimiter, operating hours & RPM displays. The store prices for the vehicles are slightly higher than the base vehicles due to the added options. Credits Models & Base Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH Dirt Textures : GIANTS Software GmbH & Calamarain Specialisations : ManitouAutosteer: henly20 (LS-UK Modteam) Compass : JACK Operating Hours : Manuel Leithner Washable : Manuel Leithner ESLimit : Manuel Leithner (edits for RPM Display ... Read more
Kane+Herron Pack
I present to you a nice little pack with 2 Kanes and 2 Herrons. There are 2 12T, 2 16T included, and they have a slight clolour change. Herrons are in original colour. This is the perfect pack for all the silage men out there! These are argueably the best silage trailers to hit the market. So whos got the grass fever then? Credits Model- ClaasJaguar870 Texture- ClaasJaguar870 Ingaming- ClaasJaguar870 & Henly20 Scaling- RH Small edit- James390T
Remolques Agrobellon
Pack trailer Agrobellón dropside with two and three axles and load capacities ranging from 12000 to 24000 kgs. The pack containt the following trailers: – Agrobellón V12: two-axle trailer with dropside 12000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 4250x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective, open type truck. – Agrobellón V14: two-axle trailer with dropside 14000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5000x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V16: two-axle trailer with dropside 16000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 5500x2400x1200 Equipment: Light reflective water drinking bottle, tool box, type open truck. – Agrobellón V18: two-axle trailer with dropside 18000kgs capacity. Approximate Dimensions: 6250x2400x1200 ... Read more