Tag: PC
1:1 Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Ferruzza PT60 V 1.0

Description Italian farm trailer for transport crawler. the d trailer is very light, the model, therefore, can also be used in low-end PC. the means or the tool automatically locks while walking. to raise the trailer hold down the left mouse button and move it in the direction indicated. Do not modify without my permission. Credits d Model: Trekker Texture AO: Trekker Ingame & Animation: Trekker Script: Pes 4 ever, Geri-G
Simulator WORLD v 2.0

The new edition of “simulator WORLD” is there and brings back a lot of news and reviews from the world of PC simulation! 40 pages of full simulation highlights, written by national and international journalists, has something for everyone.
Cibieshire 2012 V2

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 V2 So what’s new? Well after listening to the feedback from the original release i have been busy reworking my map to correct a few issue’s members were reporting to me. 1. i have learnt myself to make a PDA so now with working PDA (Major headache). 2. i have added an extra sell point in the main yard (to the left of the maize pit) were you can sell ALL the seed from the silo’s and crops of coarse. 3.i have changed every single item’s clip distance on this map to improve the running of ... Read more
Map Bga
Dies ist die Standard Map mit der Bio Gas Anlage von der Riverside Map und Dem Riverside Hof die Map ist gedacht für Leute die sich nicht die dlc Packs Kaufen wollen oder die einen schwachen PC oder ein Laptop haben.
Komatsu PC 240
Modele: Fredzaza Texture: Fredzaza Script: Fredzaza Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?uh0h64u2p4p3rst http://www.sendspace.com/file/r7yl5x
Grange Farm
Welcome to Grange Farm. Explore the beautiful scenery and varied landscape Lincolnshire has to offer. With 10 medium size fields Grange Farm is perfectly suited to both single player and multiplayer. The local village provides everything you need, from a loaf of bread to a brand new tractor. Remember to keep an eye on the grain, Beet and Potato prices so you can sell your crop when the prices are high! Features – ● BGA silage pit ● Silage triggers and moving plane inside the main cattle barn for realistic feeding. ● PDA map ● Moving cows ● Lots of ... Read more
Südpfalzmap – High Definition v 1 [HD] MP
Features: High definition textures A lot of details 100% LOW suitable PC (thanks Clip Distance) lanes Very many fenced areas ditches realistic sky Josera Kraftfuttermod V3 Stables are gated with mixer Bales of hay in the barn and on pasture feeding Download: http://www.fileserving.com/files/GuJaNAjDYT/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip http://fiberupload.com/1el3bvvvo99c/Südpfalz_Entpacken.zip
Silent Valley V2
2.0 – Release # Erweitertes Gebiet (Doppelte Grösse im Vergleich zur SV1) # Standard Fruchtsorten: Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Mais # Milch als Transportgut (Milch muss täglich bis spätestens 23:59 Uhr zum Händler gefahren werden, sonst gilt sie als verdorben und wird ohne entschädigung entsorgt) # Komplett neu gestalteter Hof # Viele neue Objekte # Kein Landmaschinen-Händler vor Ort (Equipment wird am heimischen PC übers Internet bestellt und direkt vor den Hof geliefert) # DLC3 Ready 2.0 – Release # Extended Area (Twice the size as compared to SV1) # Default fruit varieties: wheat, barley, canola, corn # Milk in the ... Read more