Tag: perkins
Case F200

Model: Perkins, Martini, Lovetractor100 Skin: Balow67 Script: Burner Ingame: Martini Traduzione italiano: Lovetractor100
Massey Ferguson 1155

This is the Massey Ferguson 1155 with the Perkins 540 V8 Engine. This 1155 is not the same one originally found on LS-UK. This one has been made using another tractor as a base and it works very well. I made some minor edits by removing some unneeded items off the roof. Credits: Original Mod: ValtraN111 New Mod: Anna Scripts: LS-UK Mod Team Edits: Gubment Cheese Special thanks to Varmari111 at LS-Fin.com for allowing me to share this mod with everyone. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?np61lpc12gfay6w http://www.sendspace.com/file/qz2g7q
Ursus 5314

Credits: -U-R-S-U-S- 5314. Model: Perkins Skrypt and Programing: MajsteR www.majster-mod.xaa.pl www.ls-forum.pl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/127141781/f26c8ef/Ursus5314.zip.html
Credits: Script: MajsteR Model: Perkins www.ls-forum.pl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126962597/0b2043b/FORTSCHRITT_E512.zip.html
Ursus C-330 TUR
Credits: Model: Perkins Script: Lipa edit:dawid4141 www.polandlsmods.dbv.pl www.ls-forum.pl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126778096/a583165/Ursus_330_tur.zip.html
Ursus C-330 Inny
Credits: Model podstawy: Perkins reszta:dawid4141 Script: Lipa fotki na teksti: patryk121121 www.polandlsmods.dbv.pl www.ls-forum.pl Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126777583/2290b7f/Ursus330_inna.zip.html
Ursus C-355
Credits: Model: Perkins Programowanie: Perkins Skrypt: Stasiuanddawid4141 edit: dawid4141 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126714177/2ca0bc5/ursus_c355.zip.html
Credits: FORTSCHRITT E512. Script: MajsteR Model: Perkins www.ls-forum.pl author Perkins Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126488832/373ed10/FORTSCHRITT_E512.zip.html
Bizon Gigant Z0-83
Credits: Model: Perkins(Zer0) Programowanie: Bociek LS11: maciey Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126301304/146b0c9/Bizon-Gigant-Z0-83.zip.html
MF 20D v 1 gebraucht
Credits: Engine: Perkins AD 3.152 (2500cc, 3cyl, 47hp/2250rpm) Model, skin, ingame and sounds: PeterJ www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/122547380/970b5c6/MF20D.zip.html