Tag: PeterJ
Case 70XT

Model: Giants Ingame and adaption: PeterJ Reskin: Random Hero Download: http://ul.to/292rlg76
Valtra XM150

Model: Saemo, Axel_of_sweden, ValtraN111 Textures: Saemo, ValtraN111, Koozzi, XarioN Script: Henly20, PeterJ Edit: Chrille154 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138378469/83cf92c/ValtraXM150.zip.html
[modcontest] Bulk Handling Kit
The LS–UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123) Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136302920/57be8f8/GIANTSContest2011_Bulk_Handling_Kit.zip.html
Volvo BM 814 Edit
Description: So here is an edit by me of the Volvo BM 814 by Axel_of_Sweden and Peter J Thanks tho them for giving me permison to release this one. And thanks to Knagsted for giving me permison to release this one with his JD4850 script to get the exhaust cover moving! The new functions on this one is moving pedals,doors and exhaust cover. Credits: Model and textures:Axel_of_Sweden Ingame and Script:PeterJ Exhaust cover script:Knagsted Edit:Samuelswe Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129757990/b012012/VolvoBM814Edit.zip.html
Deutz AgroXXL
Description: Specializations: -kinkSteering -rpmLimiter Credits: LS09 Beta version by PeterJ LS 2011 ready by Mettwurstbrot Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/129757861/3e5b822/Deutz_Fahr_AgroXXXL.zip.html
John Deere 8430 v 2
Credits: Model+ Textur: Wohlandskind & Templaer Edit by: Dannieboll Scripts used: modelleicher Sven777b Manuel Henly20 Templaer PeterJ Leithner! Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/128096533/6894dcf/Johndeere8430EDIT.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 165 S
Credits: Engine: Perkins-diesel A4.212, 4 Cylinders , Max. power 68/2000 hp SAE/rpm Model and textures: Hankkijamies Ingame: Hankkijamies ja Urakkamies Script: Henly20 and PeterJ www.ls-uk.info Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/126412231/c427fd3/Massey_Ferguson_165_S.zip.html
AGCO RT180 a
Credits: 6 cyl 7400 cm3 Max. power hp/rpm – 210/2000 Model: templaer Edites: PeterJ www.ls-uk.info In ls 11 : krystianr Skin: CIHMAGNUM215 Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124962070/be5d628/AGCO_RT180a.zip.html
Massey Ferguson 20D
Credits: Model/Skin: PeterJ Ingame/Sounds: PeterJ Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/124397378/3eb3e82/Massey_Ferguson_20D.zip.html