Tag: Pioneer
Hoosierland Farm

This farm is a flat, open farm with medium to large fields. The field shapes and sizes are based on real life fields in my area. To be true to the Indiana farm type, there are only 3 crops available in the map: Wheat, Soybean, and Corn. There are 691 acres of fields in this map. There is one main farm in the Southwest corner with a dealership across the street. Cargill and Pioneer seed are available to sell your crops. Pioneer Seed also has seed, fertilizer, and bale shredder. Main farm has small cow area with grass and silage ... Read more
Rocky Mountain farming Map

This map is a fictional place based on farming in the mountains. There are a total of 4 farms on the map, 2 farms have selectable silos to store your fruits and the dairy farm has a place for silage as well as grass at the feeding trough. There are 5 sell points, 1 behind the store in town,1 at the mill by the pond, 1 at the brewery, 1 at the piling station for sugar beets and potatos, and the other is at Pioneer Seed. You can sell your bailes at Pioneer Seed or there is a bail destroyer ... Read more
ZTS 16245

Description: Model / Tekstura: Nickel77 Edit: maciey Skin: Pioneer Download: ZTS 16245 [Hotfile.com] Download: ZTS 16245 [Uploading.com]
Unia Ares T XL
Description: Modell: ich_ne Skin : Pioneer0 Script: Face + John Deere 6930 Performance-Tuning: MadMax Download: Unia Ares T XL [Hotfile.com]