Tag: Pit
Silage pit

Model/Texture: Liamnh8560 Ingame: Jd6410/Eddy Reskin: Jd6820driver Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?abzb40fzghld7gx http://www.sendspace.com/file/zfy15t
Volcano_Half_Map v1.1

(Other Mods) Old Mill – Unknown & Spider 100 Silage Pit – Maca & Defender MistladebandV2 – Big Idea-M-Lord Map & Other Mods – Giants BallenSchredder – sprengi Flags – By – Arnold low poly trees by Vanilleeis CattleGrid – Made by willjsavage Self-Wash Hall – model Gamesnape Texture Gamesnaper Trees Vanilleeis Download: http://ul.to/uhvdxx2m
Meadow Farm

Map edit: Discoade Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. Multi Silo. model: Maca, script: Defender store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Download: http://ul.to/22c3dd7w
Buckie Farm
Map – Taz 5 Base for map and Edits – Russ and Matt390t Buildings – Modteam and Deutz-fahr-uk, mf6160 Silage Pit – MONEYMAN, johan12,fendtfan1996 alias fendtfan96 Tested By- Matt390t Download: http://ul.to/njv90d0q
FS2011 Competition mapfarm
Map build – cottonvillefarms Silage Pit Commodity_v2.5 Models/Textures: Sniper214 Giants software for sample mod map and machines Download: http://ul.to/ugnfqb89
Meadow Farm Revisited
Big thanks to geertyb0y for testing Base map. Giants, Ace-uk. Fruits. Ace-uk. store shed: Model: Jd8430t Textures: Jd8430t In-gaming & Fixes: Deutz Fahr UK. British hay/straw shed: Farmerl British style Sheds: Original models: NOD500, Re-modelled and ingamed:Deutz Fahr UK Low poly house with car port: Wizznall Manure and Liquidmanure tubes and pipes: Modells:lsportal, ghost1, ghost01, Texture-dodo27 and Max —Newbud- Trees: Vanilleeis Silage Pit Commodity: Models/Textures: Sniper214 Clutter / Water mods: sandgroper Yard Building Kit: milk mod by Acert Lmanuremod: Janlandby, Acert Grain Unloading ramps and cattle grid: willjsavage Spot lights: Showgunn84 Cow shed: model-wiliam 7530/deutz fahr uk Silage Pit V2: ... Read more
Rinderzucht Stall Modell: Google Sketchup Konvertiert und cows only from the stall – Modiviziert By. : Sunsh1ne, Big-M-Lord, Frank Cadillac earnvale by andrew stanford fuel tank by Sandgroper grainary by SILO-PACK SILOS: bitten MODIFICATIONS: HSSHSS jama corn silio by model Maca script Giants technical asistent Defender mail boxes sugarbeets, carrot, watermelon, potatoes pumkin and the other silos for veg. by dodo27 manurebelt+liquidManurehose by janlandby Mistladeband_V2 by Idee: Fendt-Trisix Modell: Chan textur: Chan Konvertiert: Chan sheds by Sandgroper bale ring by Deutz Fahr UK Potato cistern by bennieboy53 Westfalia surge milking robot by langedraak Unloading by bitten American dairy barn by ... Read more
HillHead Farm
Sheds- LS-UK Modteam Silage Pit – McGill2009 Gate’s and Diesel Tank- Deutz Fahr Uk Silage Plain- MONEYMAN Grass Texture- Bociek & the PolishMods team Hedges- Dennis Busch Walls- Matt390T Earnvale Tractors Dealership- Andrew Stanford Silo Bins – Leszek White Wrapped Bales – Claas01 And Giants For All The Other Stuff. Download: http://ul.to/slnixzc0
“NOTICE” If your looking for a map that doesn’t have any errors than you need to look aomewhere else. Now the map is about a Balddy cattle operation and farming in the USA. You have to feed lots one at the farm and the other is straight east of the farm. The feeding troughs takes grass, chaff, alfalfa and clover. The one east takes the same but you dump on the ground in front of the cows. There is also at the feedlots you feed bales and you can water. You can also haul cows to salebarn on route 66 ... Read more