Tag: Planet
BGA Control

Hi guys i found this on another site and i thought i would share it with you. This mod has emerged from a collaboration of Webalizer and Jack! With the new BGA control, you have an overview of all processes always in your biogas plant from PLANET-LS. No matter where you are you can see always the current levels of the bunker, the Güllegrube and the silos you. Is empty the bunker will display a warning on the screen. New feature in V 2.0 -Switch with 5 key -Several BGAs show and through switch with key 6 -Multiple silos show ... Read more

Features: – überall abkippen – entnahme mit Silageschild und Siloschaufel – filltypes: wheat, barley, rape, maize, chaff, grass, manure, silo, fertilizer, seeds – kapazität: 32000L – MP ready Hinweis: Der Trigger wird mit Taste STRG+R erstellt, danach kann ganz normal mit Taste Q abgekippt werden. Der Trigger lässt sich nur bei Trailer erstellen die über die Standard Trailer specialization laufen. Modder: Ingame & Script: Heady Publisher: Planet-LS Download: http://ul.to/9jdqq22l http://uploading.com/files/mc1m52md/HeapTipTrigger.zip/
Holland Map BETA v1.0
Map: Made By: Fendt-939 Techniek hulp by: TonnyC En veel dank aan Lsportal Gebouwen en Objecten Lsportal Modteam Ls-uk Modteam Planet ls eifok team Modpacks Lsportal Modteam eifok team Planet ls Ls-uk modteam Vielen Dank, dass ich Mods und Gebäude nutzen Und für die Leute, die ich vergessen habe: Ein großes Dankeschön Download: http://ul.to/s1ju40yp http://uploading.com/files/c5845544/Holland_map_BETA.zip/
The Netherlands V1
Startmap from Ace-UK. Used items (PM me if I forgot someone): – Giants – Machine sheds: Domi95, KungFujas, willjsavage – Silo shed: Desperados93 – Streets: Fatian – Mill: Mac Bo – Cowshed: Planet-ls/Thore – Gras/mais silage: Jimkerk/Heady – Klapbrug/sluis: dre3178 – Billinger: Degget, Ka88, xl-turbo – Bakery, boat: Griffy – Townhouses: pAre – Marketstall: Desch – Shop at dock: Peelo – Bosstadhus, torp, uthus: Axel of Sweden – Streetlight: Valentin – Greenhouse: Dodo27 – Bales: emils96 – Fences: Sandgroper – Hedge: Countypower – Trees: Vanilleeis – Animals: Maxter – Potatoboxes: LS2009FAN/Deutz Fahr Uk – Stonewalls: VehicleVideos Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/134983275/5283a47/TheNetherlands_V1.zip.html
Case Magnum 7120 + FL
Description: Knagsted (model et scripts du tracteur) Planet-ls pourle pack chargeur (traverse+chargeur détachable) Edite: guigui86 Download: Case Magnum 7120 + FL [Hotfile.com] Download: Case Magnum 7120 + FL [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Jaguar “Special” Pack
Description: CLAAS Jaguar: LS08 Modder: Modell: Agrotron 130, Jirka, Ingame: Sk8Mike, Script: MxY.rlp, yekk1, John Deere 6930 LS09 Modder: Planet-Ls Script: Headshot XXL Sound: CM Punk CLAAS Orbis 750 & 900 Model: Agrotron 130, Jirka Reconstruction: Mr. Neiss & F Texture: Neiss Script: Headshot_XXL Game and animation: Mr. F Particle system: Mr. F Special skin: Nemesis Download: CLAAS Jaguar “Special” Pack [Hotfile.com]
CLAAS Jaguar 890 + RU 600 + Direct Disc 520 & Trailer v1.1
Description: LS08 Modder: Jaguar: Modell: Agrotron 130, Jirka, Ingame: Sk8Mike, Script: MxY.rlp, yekk1, John Deere 6930 Direct Disc: Modell & Ingame: Bigfarmer145, wohlstandskind LS09 Modder: Planet-Ls Jaguar: Script: Headshot XXL Sound: CM Punk Vorsätze: Script: Headshot XXL Anpassung: Mr. F Direct Disc Trailer: Modell: Bigfarmer145 Reifen: MF390 Script: MxY.rlp Anpassung: Headshot XXL Download: CLAAS Jaguar 890 + RU 600 + Direct Disc 520 & Trailer v1.1 [Hotfile.com]
CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack
Description: Jaguar 980 Model und Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka,Giants CLAASVEET81 by mod-scheune Edit: Neiss LS11: Kleener–Putzi Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi DirectDisc 520, 610 Copyrights: Model und Textur: ? LS11 ready: Neiss PU300 Model: balogh2003 Texture: balogh2003 LS 11, edit, animation, re-skin: HmcrE Download: CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack [Uploading.com]
CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack
Description: Jaguar 980 Model und Textur: Agrotron 130, Jirka,Giants CLAASVEET81 by mod-scheune Edit: Neiss LS11: Kleener–Putzi Claas Orbis 900 LS09: Planet–LS LS11: Kleener–Putzi DirectDisc 520, 610 Copyrights: Model und Textur: ? LS11 ready: Neiss PU300 Model: balogh2003 Texture: balogh2003 LS 11, edit, animation, re-skin: HmcrE Download: CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack [Hotfile.com] Download: CLAAS Jaguar 980 ModPack [Uploading.com]