Tag: PLease
Belarus 40 T v 1

Sun people have, sometimes very deeply dug into the LS09 crate and found the old battle bowl and converted, but is aware of the urmodder nich known but if it the mod is known, can indeed report to me once, but will be satisfied because the The first T-40 WITHOUT LOGFEHLER, and PLEASE PLEASE THE BITCH NICH FORGET, that would mean only that I do not make mods more correctly, the you have something what is right, is a little problem there but still with the IndoorCam when I really imagine you look back, otherwise it only rotates side twisted ... Read more
Tip Alternative Edit

Description Tip Alternative Edit This is an edit of the tip alternative edit packaged in this mod by SFM Modding The main change is the addition of many more fruit types: wheat barley maize rape chaff manure silage sugarbeet potatoes grass silo rye oat sunflower soybean fertilizer gravel sand and carrots The mod is fully multiplayer compatible PLEASE REMOVE ANY OTHER VERSIONS OF THIS MOD FROM YOUR MODS FOLDER Many thanks to SFM modding for allowing us to edit and upload this Credits SFM Modding Edits: The LS-UK Modteam (alwyn, henly20, nishma, peterj, rh, sam123)
Cibieshire 2012

Welcome to Cibieshire 2012 Map i3D size 13,3mb Crops Maize/Grass/Wheat/Barley…. NO Rape….repeat NO Rape. This map has been build for farmers who like to test there driving skills and not all about out right speed. it is made up of a number of bumpy narrow back lanes and tight gate ways needing a steady driving style. most fields surrounding the farm are small to medium in size but you will find a number of large to very large fields on the out skirts designed for a long haul with your pals in MP. the only place to sell your grains ... Read more
Barn pack
this is my own version of a open barn, it has a 7′ breeze block wall with wooded lats all around for light input, and a green tin roof texture as this fit’s most farming map’s, I have made 2 the big one is 90′ x 65′ and the small one is 90′ x 30′, the floor texture is just asphalt, but if you wish to change any of these, it’s up to you’s, please PLEASE keep all the mod’s I upload to the original site, ls-uk.info. thanks for using this if you download and enjoy. Credits: credit’s will start ... Read more
Seasons Mod
WELL, Here is the HIGHLY SECRET PROJECT that the scripters of AE have been workin for awhile!! We have created a seasons script, this mod will start in spring(planting season) go into summer (watch for crop damage, drought, bugs, etc.) then fall (you will need to get your crops out) winter (will KILL all crops except wheat) TIMING IS EVERYTHING IN THIS MOD! scripts included in the mod spring.lua summer.lua fall.lua winter.lua loweryield.lua damage.lua UNZIP FILE!! PLEASE READ THE TX FILE FOR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS!! We busted are butts to bring this out for everyone, is was very difficult, BUT we ... Read more
Chellington, Bedfordshire
Map made by Peter Tested by Napalm Reef Eadams A.stanford Serious help with traffic splines and put together by Re Help with many errors by Napalm Plenty of information and help from Reef Napalm Buildings by Modteam village sign by Nibby PLEASE READ – Any items found in map not credited please email me and I will update Download: http://ul.to/n16kwdly
Westbury Farm v 2.1
This is an edit of the original map. The map hasn’t been altered much as I preferred to leave the major areas alone. So the Harbor,Grain Mill and Brewery are in there original positions. The grain Mill has been replaced by a different mill but in the same area. I have also added a Silo, Seed and fertilizer areas to the East of the Map. I have the quality set to High for my PC but if you find it too much strain PLEASE reduce the Quality to medium. Credits New Silo by balogh2003 FarmYard Building by Solanz Farmshop by ... Read more
Brazilian Trailer Pack Summer Pro for GTS
Introduction: Guys, this mode replaces original trailers from GTS. Most of the trailers are open and tied with ropes, extra ground clearance, more space between axles. I can’t say more about this, please experience it. Here is the Download Linkhttp://www.sharemania.ru/0103228 Credit VeVe here by Jhon PLease do comments & Rate this upload Thanks. NOTE : Version 1.04 only