Tag: poettinger
Poettinger Jumbo Combiline 7210

Download: http://www.fileserve.com/file/MswS5be/PoettingerJumboCombiline7210.zip http://ul.to/1r2mnfqr
Poettinger Jumbo 10010 Combiline

Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/132227226/41afdde/GIANTSContest2011_PoettingerJumbo10010Combiline.zip.html
Poettinger Synkro 600 3T

Description: Model: ich_ne Texture: Daywalker + John Deere 6930 Script: John Deere 6930 + Face Performance Tuning: MadMax Conversion to LS2011 amkador Download: Poettinger Synkro 600 3T [Hotfile.com] Download: Poettinger Synkro 600 3T [Uploading.com]
Poettinger Servo 9

Description: Modell: LordNyax Textur: Klemen Script,Animation & Ingame: Mantikor ls11: olhund Download: Poettinger Servo 9 [Hotfile.com] Download: Poettinger Servo 9 [Uploading.com]
Poettinger Novadisc 900 Inverso
Description: Umbau: Headshot XXL conversion by imbo88 Download: Poettinger Novadisc 900 Inverso [Hotfile.com] Download: Poettinger Novadisc 900 Inverso [Uploading.com]
Poettinger Synkro6003T
Description: Credits: Modell: ich ne Textur: Daywalker and John Deere 6930 Script: John Deere 6930 (Basis by Faces CTC) Performance-Tuning: MadMax Installer by Hitman Download: Poettinger Synkro6003T [Hotfile.com] Download: Poettinger Synkro6003T [Uploading.com]