Tag: point
Camera mod v 1.1

his mod allows you to have different point of view for your pictures by pressing the “C” key, you can go ahead as your tractor and move the camera with your mouse!
Deutz Fahr Single Rotor

I have the Kuhn GA 280 umgeskinnt of JoniiboY, and made it into a Deutz Fahr Rake. I’ve also added the mod further optimized and the larger the smaller Zip to 3.8 instead of 11, x MB. Functions are still the old present. Steering-linked wheels Folding swath Langsammes turn on the gyro PTO attacher point
Massey Ferguson 5476 BETA

hi everyone here we have my beta edit of Clod and RotoR original massey. specializations Includes ->opening doors and windows ->ES Limiter and Operating Hours ->reflective skin ->front 3 point linkage i have fixed: ->interior camera ->i have lowered the rear linkage for the use of kane trailers -> lowered the rear wheels so they dont go through the wheel arches when driving on rough terran thanks to blowback of giving me the permission to upload my edition of his already great mod Credits original creators –
John Deere 1760 24-Row Planter

This is Knagsteds John Deere 1760 planter that JamesBrandt edited into a 24 row John Deere planter. What I’ve done: — Fixed offset planting issue — Re-added the Fertilizer tanks plus added 2 tanks to each extension — Fixed folding rotation so new tanks won’t hit each other — Fixed rotation point when raising/lowering planter — Fixed animation of support stand — Added hitch assembly — Converted all textures to dds format. Current fruitTypes: corn, maize, maizev2, soybean, soybeanv2, sunflower Credits v1 – Original Model: Knagsted v2 – Edited into a 24 row planter: JamesBrandt v3 – SndGrdn Edit
Mossyville Map
hello, This is a edit of samplemodmap, It is alot smaller and has the orignal fruits. It also has the option to sell liquid manure and manure. You can also sell milk, It has no milk truck but will autosell at midnight. One more thing, you can also sell grass, there are alot of grass to mow. thank you, happy farming. rb Credits milk mod, tank and sell point by devil revenge chevton gas station by troll711 manure/liquidmanure sellpoint and tubes by janlandby Heavy wooden bridge by abasstreppas Tunnel by dodo27 road pac by goldpower600/johndeere6800 and also giants If i ... Read more
Pleasent Valley V2
This is the V2 of Pleasent Valley by “The_Game”. This is the revised version of my Pleasant Valley map. Most of the map has stayed the same with the exception of the following.Since several of you asked about the ablity to sell manure I added a second tank at the cattlezone for liquid manure.This is not for filling your tankers for spreading on your fields it is for filling up a tanker or trailer and taking it for sale ate the new sell point. The regular liquid manure tank is still at the cattlezone for filling your liquid manure spreaders. ... Read more
PDA MOD for Workers/MultiFruit (v0.94 beta)
Changelog v0.94 Fix for DLC2 BGA sell-point not showing in ‘Prices’ (thank you SoDakborn.) Minor fix to use appendedFunction() later, for CoursePlay v2.4 and v3.0. v0.93 Private edit, added “worker-icons” for CoursePlay v2.4 controlled vehicles. v0.92 Private edit, using Utils.appendedFunction(). v0.91 Private edit, minor attempt at optimizing “worker-icons” update-frequency. v0.9 Public release at LS-UK. Description Contains two features: Hired AI-workers are indicated with yellow icons on the PDA map. When using ‘courseplay’ or ‘autopilot’, you can see where they are driving (when in range). For the screens ‘Prices’ and ‘Statistics 1’, there is added sub-pages to support “multi fruits” for ... Read more
Kuhn GMD 4010 V2
This is the Kuhn GMD 4010 mower. I first found the mod in Ls09 and it was a great mower. And just a short wile ago i found it for Ls11 and i thought it needed a bit more detail so the is the Version 2 with more detail. Hope you like it theanks for downloading. Feachers: 3 point linkage atachment Cuts the grass into rowes Is a great mower of all farms Credits: Modell: Steyr 1 Script: Face Performance-Tuning: Mad Max Herausgeber: SFM-Modding ls ready. Martin97 (Brose) LBell: Uploader Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nbynk91zt2s2rdq http://www.sendspace.com/file/pyhp2u
Kaercher HD Cleaner HDS 690 v1.0
You have you been annoyed by a 1000x Wiederspenstige range with a pressure washer on it? Because the portfolio has done it all on the front loader just not what you should? So I’m in the yard looking for possible solutions and there she was …. Take a discarded from the front loader and pallet forks welded ran a used Kuppeldreick there and you’ve got one pallet forks for the 3-point hitch mount is now even more quickly the palette with the HD cleaner and you can transport the whole Harmless. It was built 1x HD Palettenmod cleaner Release / ... Read more
Sirgramkow Map
This is my first map, you have to have DLC2 to play this map Smiley DLC 2 BGA ManureTube liquidManureTube Manure Sell point liquidManure Sell point cotton greenwheat soybean sugarbeet sunflower potato I have only use (potato and sugarbeet) so if you will use the other Fruits, fill free to add some selling points to them they are install in to the map Wink Hop your guys like it, and if you have to ask me somthing pm me Wink have a nice day. sorry it is not the right PDA map, i will fix it soon;) Download: http://ul.to/bnawfu8a https://rapidshare.com/files/3884502255/SirgramkowMap.zip