Tag: pole
Barn storage 2 tier

This is a barn for all your day to day item’s to be stored in a smallish area, not much bigger than a normal pole barn, this give’s you a upper storage area, which I myself use for tractor’s, I’ve had 16 up there and there is still room. down stair’s there is two identical sized area’s for trailer’s ect, and adjacent to that is a area which I use for combine’s. For small map’s this will be usefull, hut like I said enjoy If you want it, thank’s if you upload this, and I’am alway’s making more for everyone ... Read more
FLG Rosenbauer5 RW

FLG_Rosenbauer5_RW Features: with pole Up / down = KP7 / 4 Mast light at = 7 Tail security = 6 Indicator = STVO KP1/2/3 Red / Blue Light (International) item 1 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?3pw6125da8kh4v4 http://www.sendspace.com/file/hx9xjk

This is a medium sized map, which is at the momment version1, version 2 will follow with the other side of the water, becoming a bio-gas area,for DLC2, this side has a main farm to the west, cow meadow, in the middle, little farm to the east,grain mill and shop to the northeast, the PDA map works ok, sorry could’nt get milk truck to work this time, but I have put milk mod in, suupose it give you extra stuff to do, fields are well shaped and sized, and hilly in places, you will have to go around the fields ... Read more
Signs to put in editor
hello this is just to share some handy sign’s for “GE”, these are not a mod you can put into a game, they can only be put into a game in editor,please don’t waste you download if you think they will just go into a map allready created. When you open these sign’s, I have only put one pole in and the textures are in sub folders with there names, you have to open a new folder and copy the pole and which ever texture you require, there is 2 different sign pack’s as you need a different pole’s for ... Read more
Mercedes Benz Atego LF 8
Model: Conversion J112J; blue light beams of FF-NRÜ/FF Neustadt / Flo. Ronne 13-40/Domolus Ingame: J112J Functions: – Light Blue – Martin Horn – Lighting 3.1 (turn signals, etc.) – Light pole (extend, rotate + light) – Help display Download: http://ul.to/gykix5nw http://uploading.com/files/fmea1615/LF_8.zip/
Ontario Farm
Small Straw shed – Deutz Fahr UK Triggers – Cadaver bale trigger – william 7530 road – wohlstandskind barns – Venom trees – Vaneilleeis Power pole – Dodo27 Pole barn – jd8430t Sorry if i left anyone out, just tell me and ill add. Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/136495310/15d9250/OntarioFarmUNZIPME.zip.html
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more
Chestnut Farm V3
Credits Haaarry XD for testing Frasier for the shed I believe it is pfreek that made the BGA and the gates Giants for the trees Giants for the software Giants for many of the buildings – dairy, houses Tommy23 cattle barns Tubbz for the weighing station Griffy for old cottage Duarn for the hangar shed v1.2 Farmer 54 for the British shed pack Dodo27 for power pole and stone bridge and farm shop Wolf2658 for the now where else map. Acert and ace of spades for the milk mod MP and the trailer. Bob 81 for the PG mod pack ... Read more