Tag: Pottinger
Pöttinger SERVO 12

maker:Golim GIANTS Software Gmb Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?xet6mc5ah26g5jq http://www.sendspace.com/file/cn8q8d
Pottinger Synkro 3000

The Pottinger Synkro 3000 is a cultuvator 4m. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?43gbhdt4dy9vyfy http://www.sendspace.com/file/weohec
Ecclesden Farm V1
Farm- Ace_uk Fruits- Ace_uk Pottinger Jumbo-alexsXD Gas Station-devil revenge Shed-beni95 Grain Ramp-willjsavage Farm Yard-solanz Farm Shop- Andrew Stanford Mill- RRS shop-wizznall xxlBarn-masseyMAN23 trees-Vanilleeis Download: http://ul.to/q55kqel8
Eddies Farm
This is the 2nd map i have uploaded, it is a smaller map, with plenty to do, ideal for single player, but will work multiplayer.There is 1 farm 5 sell points, cattle and dairy, manual milk sell, the darker fields are all ready to be harvested, all the lighter fields are ready to sow. There are a few mods in pack, everything is in there to do all the fruits. There are a couple of static errors in map,if you use the mods in pack there are a few errors, but i only put them in there to get you ... Read more