Tag: pressure
Stable and BGA for Riversidemap V2

After a lot of people wanted to like to use the stall next to a BGA on the map of Riverside Profarm, and I wanted the barn anyway überarbeutet again, I am endschlossen to add another BGA. This is her in the village from the dealer. In addition, two more were built for high pressure Abladepunkte bundles (see pictures). This can not square or round bales are unloaded / sold! At the barn can be fed corn and grass, which is then written in the PDA well. Barley can be stored at the stable ebenfals and removed (SHOT). Manure and ... Read more
Kaercher HD Cleaner HDS 690 v1.0

You have you been annoyed by a 1000x Wiederspenstige range with a pressure washer on it? Because the portfolio has done it all on the front loader just not what you should? So I’m in the yard looking for possible solutions and there she was …. Take a discarded from the front loader and pallet forks welded ran a used Kuppeldreick there and you’ve got one pallet forks for the 3-point hitch mount is now even more quickly the palette with the HD cleaner and you can transport the whole Harmless. It was built 1x HD Palettenmod cleaner Release / ... Read more
Claas Xerion 5000 with air pressure

Credits: Urmodell: KsatriaHU LS11 by Agestar & Repi Scriptanpassungen: Repi Scripte: SFM Modding, Sven777b, sven18koehler Download: http://ul.to/4f6nr55p