Tag: Price
Pick Pack Technology v 1 featured

Description What has changed: – Fruit: wheat, barley, fresh grass, dried grass Added new texture for grass hay and straw bales – – = Changed capacity more bales per field – Multiplayer capability – Standard bales, no problems with BGA, trailer (grass bales are then hay, etc.) Ballenabladeplätzen – Lighting V3.1 – Bale counter, I have to create a completely new HUD – Tire dust on the field and the dirt roads – New tires – Features – chocks – Independent suspension, each wheel is like bumps independently from the other tires. Specifications: Crown Compria V 180: Purchase price: 58.000 ... Read more
Plazierbarer shelter with solar v 2

Description Model and texture of the object from Gaints. Model of photovoltaics by me, texture by Giants. Price: EUR 130 000 Maintenance per day: 125 Euro Merit: 2500 euros per hour, will be credited towards midnight. Credits: Unterstand: Modell und Textur Gaints Solarpanels: Modell Mach1–Andy, Textur Giants
Eicher Wagon v 1.0

Description Here is an Eicher Wagon for all which makes the originals too big for me sind.Er Logfehler not on the original map. There is only one warning about lighting performance – have it yet but otherwise he hingebracht.Ich hope you like it. Is my first time I have done so for more please not streng.Jeder starts sometime at times. About mistakes and tips for improvement would be appreciated. One can straw, grass and hay load. Filling: 15000l Price: 9650 € Ls Upkeep: 10 Ls € Credits: Model: Gregor96 Umbau: Shippy74 by ls-umbauten Umbau LS11: Team Virtualfarming
Grass Collector V 1
Description This is a grass collector. It is intended for rear mounting on Buehrer 6135, because this is a launch vehicle. The grass collector is used for the automatic collection of the cut material in conjunction with the original Frontmähwerk Kuhn PZ280 F. capacity 7500 liters. Price LS 1599, operating costs 5 LS / d Without illumination. Log free Tractor and mower must be purchased separately. This is the first version and therefore cobbled something raw. The grass collector fits only the Buehrer 6135th Is not perfect, but it is a launch vehicle. So then you have a larger lawn ... Read more
MAN TGA 41 440 8 4 whit trailer v 2.1 fixed
Description Added rotating lights, brake lights and horn. Capacity 32,000 Kg Trailer Hitch only under Shop price 230,000 Fuel tank 800 liters Maximum speed 100 kmh 100% functional, no errors. Weight: 9mb Thanks to software Giants for the basic model. trailer: This trailer is original LS 2013, is adapted for MAN truck. This is the 1800 Pro Gilibert has changed the texture and wheels. Store Price: 10000 Capacity 24,200 Kg Credits: Giants editor Baebossa Pisty
IH Farmalls, 1066, and 1468 mod
Description this mod includes the following features: -ES limiter –Manual Ignition -Removeable Band duals -special exhaust -Chrome stack -Log error Free -1066 Store Price $12,500 -1468 Store Price $15,500 Although both are restored, the 1486 runs a little rich on one side of the V8. and it was a slow restoration, so the paint had time to fade in some spots. I will try to link some more photos to the support topic in the first post And I am not uploading this mod in the \”Case\” section, because they are not case tractors, they are IHs. (yes I\’m getting ... Read more
New Holland Cr 9090 v 3
Description functions Manual engine start lighting V3.1 ESLimiter operation Hours straw Chopper control Engine to enter Work light L Work mode K Price, etc. Price in shop 396000 Daily costs 6 New Holland brand Machine type harvester Credits: Ls 2009 wohlstandskind Ls 011 Jerrico Ls 2013 MartinFarmer 1 Schemas und log Säuberung Heindaddelt Test JanFarmer1
Lamborghini R 4110 municipal v 1
Lamborghini R 4110 as a municipal vehicle for you It is the standard executor of Giants, was built into the JoMaule an hour meter, speed limiter and the lighting V3.1. I have only changed the skin according to my ideas and made the wheels because of the road holding a little wider. Price: € 102,000 Daily Upkeep: 12 € Credits: Urmodder: JoMaule Bearbeitet: matthes45
Fliegl TDK v 2.0
Loading capacity: 17820l Price: € 21,587 80 € / day Credits: sk8mike John Deere 6430-ger menontop Thuruk
Description Features ► Removable flap ► Attacherjoint for the Pitchfork of Burner (Manual Attaching recommend) ► Tilt-able ► Price: €1599 ► Volume: 1500L ► 1:1 Scale ► Locks when transporting palets ► Fruits: wheat, rape, maize, barley, chaff, manure, grass, dryGrass Credits Model: Michl2 Textur: Michl2 Ingame: john deere 1020 Script: modelleicher, fendtfahrer95, Geri-G, desperados93