Tag: PS
Green barley for GPS v 1

This is a special texture for the GPS harvest I wish you much fun with it. And another happy new year! PS But do not slip. Credits: Pfennig
Valtra 35, 45, 55, 65 and 75

Her you have a Valtra frontloader pack!! I have reskin the Q55 (Quicke35, 45, 55 65 and 75) Enjoy! PS unzip befor gameing! Credits Modell: Bigfarmer145 Textur: Bigfarmer145 Script: Face LS11: hanslanzmanns Reskin: Mortenboy98
Savegame-Name Mod for FS11

Hi everyone. Does it bother you that you can’t see which savegame belongs to which map if having multiple maps installed? – Well then i have the solution for you: The “Savegame-Name” Mod. It reads the name of the map from the moddesc entry of the map and on saving your game it appends it to the savedate (look at screenshot). The next time you start the game you can see the name in the savegame selection menu. I hope this mod is helpfull for you. For me it definitely is. greets KillaBot PS: this tool ist open source and ... Read more

This map was edited heavy by kesboer i used a great map, i edited it alot more details changed textures, removed and added new buildings like the bga from manuel also the windmills and how about the feedingcenter for this part of the map there is an new mod comming a Schuitemaker feedo 840. i changed also the fields made some bigger ore moved it i created also a lot of new fields with a nice landscape with an eye for detail! Feedingcenter: here you can store your silage/grass to let it make silo this product you can sel at ... Read more
Fendt 939 TT
Im Leistungsbereich von 240 bis 390 PS gibt Fendt die Antwort und präsentiert mit dem 390 PS starken Topmodell 939 Vario den leistungsstärksten Standardschlepper am Markt.Superlative bietet Fendt auch mit der Höchstgeschwindigkeit von 60 km/h. Credits: Copyright © GIANTS Software GmbH, All Rights Reserved. LS-Landtechnik. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?iry459sl25e68zt http://www.sendspace.com/file/snumi3
PronarT680 v4 Multifruit
Moder: LS09 daniel11 Lichtscript V3 by Sven 777b Animierte Plane: bertram-79, dietschnnorbert FruitPlane,PS & VariableTip Scripte: modding-society Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?qzqw87qd68u7eht http://www.sendspace.com/file/hh5u1e
Terex TL 310 and Shovel
Terex TL 310 and Shovel Der groesste Radlader aus dem hause Terex Einsatzgewicht:17,6 t Leistung: 203 PS Ladeschaufel fuer Terex TL310 Inhalt: 3,10m Schuettgewicht: 1,8t/m Breite: 2950mm Schuetthoehe: ca. 3135mm Download: http://ul.to/bc0bi5m3 http://depositfiles.com/files/221b0eupt
Fortschritt ZT 303 Autopilot
Modell: ZT423 Umbau: F_E516 Baujahr: 1980 PS: 101 Farbe: Rot|gefixt by fin050808,Meyer123 Download: http://depositfiles.com/files/aln8hqacn http://ul.to/d3vsveqj
Case 7250 PRO 261 PS v 1.0
Download: http://ul.to/jbrakdp8 http://freakshare.com/files/zbsnhgsy/CaseIH_tractor_7250.zip.html
IHC 1455 RED Power
Modell + Textur: shiny16 /818vario Ingame:818vario/ Tobii Baujahr:1996 Leistung:150 PS Credits: ich habe die reifen verendert und die fronthydraulik schwarz gemacht und die felgen sind anders Download: