Tag: R560

Scania R560 V8 truck

Credits: axe666

Construction Malcolm Scania R560

Credits: Per_DK, ets2skins

Bring Transport Scania R560 And Trailers

Bring Transport Scania R560 And Trailers
Bring Transport Scania R560 And Trailers  

Scania R560 – Black Beauty v3.0

Modell: SCS-Software Umbau/Textur/Scripts: Scania Power/unicorn0007 Zubehörset/Scripts: Repi Warning Light (Bjelke) v by Jossva

Scania R560

Here is a beautiful Scania R560 V8, a beautiful model. Credits: SCS Software Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?em8m0p5dnnkg58y http://www.sendspace.com/file/z9p4im

Scania R560 Vliegenthart

Download: http://ul.to/u4z4h511 http://www.fileserving.com/files/QgjwJFyZkz

Scania Bjärke R560

Download: http://ul.to/dvf4wvef http://uploading.com/files/ec88daad/Bjaerke%2BR560mjaym335.rar/


Download: http://ul.to/4o2z8scf http://uploading.com/files/m755bc98/R560_by_akorik.rar/

Scania R560 v8 tuning

Download: http://ul.to/di1xqyb3