Tag: Rafael Zanella
Case Magnum 8940 – Pack

This my new modification. The Case 8940 Row Crop, an Case 8940 Normal Wheels. Scripts: RPMLimiter GasLimiter DualWheels ManualIngnition Etc. The. Xml file was reworked. The model is 100% compatible with MultiPlayer. Thanks: FSM-Brasil/American Eagles Modding Forum and Members. Credits: Model/Textures:Knagsted Scripts: Giants,PeterJ,Templaer,LSUK Modteam,Manuel Leithner,Modorgas. Ingame/Edit:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?eruxb6jhzxsdlwl http://www.sendspace.com/file/7divdt
John Deere 9750STS Pack Beta Release V0.2 [FIXED]

I started a modification of the old John Deere 9880i STS combine. As its shape is similar to John Deere 9750 STS decided to modify it. The script. “Xml” has been completely renovated. There is no error in the “Log”. Best Regards RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Credits: Model Body: MySQly,??? Model Wheels/Pipe: Knagsted Scripts: Giants,RaFa (RafaelZanella),Sven777b,SFM-Modding,Manuel Leithner,Templaer,Knagsted Model Ladder/Grain extend tank: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Edit1: OhioFarmer Edit2/fixed/New scripts – Final: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Sounds: RaFa (RafaelZanella) Tanks: LS-UK members forum/ American Eagles. Version V0.2 BETA. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?rrm551z4q4lnvwo http://www.sendspace.com/file/mk6t24
JD1550 Mod v1.1

Model Combine/Textures:RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Scripts/Ingame:Gaxi/FSGaxi Especializations:??? Model Cabin and Cutter:Knagsted Head Trailer:R3ggo111/Knagsted Edit Head Trailer:RaFa/FS Gaxi Edit Cutter:FS/Gaxi Download: http://hotfile.com/dl/138302181/bb8777b/JD1550_v1_Pack.zip.html
Mato Grosso do Sul MAP **V2.0**
Map made by: RaFa (Rafael Zanella). Models: RaFa,Giants,Gaxi,Cacá,?? New soybean fruit: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Maize and Rape in rows: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Thanks: LS-UK, lsportal.hu, Tiago Piloneto, Gaxi, Caca. Download: http://ul.to/o91a5mes
Mato Grosso do Sul Map
Description: Create by RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map [Hotfile.com] Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map [Uploading.com]
Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5
Description: Original fruits (Rape, wheat, barley, maize). Texture of barley has been modified to texture of rice. Cow Zone Areas of cultivation medium and small size. Already added vehicles to work. The map had minor modifications in relation to that shown in the video. Credits: Creation and editing of the map: RaFa (Rafael Zanella) Models: Gaxi, Giants, Caca,???. Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5 [Hotfile.com] Download: Mato Grosso do Sul Map v1.5 [Uploading.com]