Tag: rape

Energy Combine Pack

3 combines re-skinned red bull, monster and rockstar all the combines have matching headers tank-25000 FruitTypes=wheat,rape,maize,barley,oat,rice,sunflower,mohn,rye and grass. Credits: skin of the combines and of the headers and AP-joker83 headers by meistro, converted by jb3pc4sale Model Original:Shangri66 Ingame, script: Defender Download: http://ul.to/7f3s5vz5

AA47 Tipper

Here is the multi-fruit version of the classic trailer fa. Country trade Moeller GmbH tilting to the right. With trailer coupling. tipAnywhere capable, suitable chippers – reinhäckseln you can Types of fruit: wheat barley oat rye grass rape maize chaff cotton training poppy potato sugarbeet sugarcane sunflower Download: http://ul.to/w7lnlnmo http://depositfiles.com/files/1u8hmswrs

East Peak Farms 2011

This a convert to 2011 of HardouZ’s amazing map based on the Swedish countryside. It contains all the features of the 2009 version, moving logs etc. It’s a fairly large scaled map for the Arable/Silaging farmer. I personally loved it in 2009 so I’d like to thank HardouZ for letting me convert it and release it for you guys!. I hope you enjoy it as much as you did in 2009! The crops in this map are as following; Barley, Wheat, Grass, Rape, Corn, Silage, Dung, Manure, Chaff Credits: HardouZ Giants DaleC – (Thanks to Sniper214 for teaching me to ... Read more


DEUTZ CUTTER WR-1320 is the latest development! Width of 13 meters! Fully a highly automated device! Cleans the following cultures: maize wheat rape barley rice soybean pea sugarcane oat! Beautiful animation! Every self-respecting farmer should have this reaper! VIDEO: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H8PxyrvZ2vM&feature=youtu.be Download: http://ul.to/nis48a5m

Fliegl DDK 240

here is version 2 of the mod pack Fliegl DDK 240v1, the program of new features andanimation pack and became multifruits. observation; – [This is version 2 of this pack Fliegl DDK 240, with new animations, new optional tipping(chaff) for all crops. The pack consists of three versions (Deutch, French and swiss edition).Compatible with: wheat, barley, rape, maize, chaff, sunflower, potato, sugarbeet, oat andfertilizer. This Rar archive, so you have to open and copy a Zip archive of this 3 (or 3) in your case mods. Have fun with it. ] Credits: Créateur(s) : {Wolverine/Giants (roues)} Scripteur(s) : {Fruktor/Sven777b/Geri-G et ... Read more

SCHMITZ SKI 50 v 1.0

A new model of Thonar SCHMITZ! Lifting capacity 50000 kg! Reinforced frame and two cylinders of BOSCH do the trick nicely! MULTIFRUIT: wheat rape maize barley chaff potato manure beachSand blumkohl carrot erbsen gelbbo grass gruenbo pea rice rotkohl soybean spinat sugarbeet weisskohl wirsingkohl sunflower! Turn signals work stops, etc. There is dust from the wheels! Download: http://ul.to/9bpk4k5u

UE Paradise v2

Here it is, UE Paradise v2.0. It still is simple map (just wheat, barley, rape, forage and bales) with Finland related landscapes and lot of abandoned buildings – most of them based on real ones in Southern Finland. Download:

Texas map_2011

This is the Texas map converted to 2011. The fruits it has is wheat, rape, maize, barley, soybeans, sunflower, rice, pea, greenwheat, potatoes, and sugarbeets. I change and added some roads and added a potato and sugarbeets storage and some buildings and baleshredders. Unzip zip file and put all zip files in mods folder. Download: http://ul.to/rrrqv5ak http://uploading.com/files/34484fc6/Texas_map_2011.zip/

small trailler multifruit by gorea

t is the old classic trailler now with multifruit: wheat barley rape maize chaff cotton carrot drygrass erbse grass greenwheat manure oat potato soybean sugarbeet sunflower; more to come please post your opinion so i can make better impruvments it is my firs mood so please dont take me easy so i can learn Download: http://ul.to/9f75qpow


Features: – überall abkippen – entnahme mit Silageschild und Siloschaufel – filltypes: wheat, barley, rape, maize, chaff, grass, manure, silo, fertilizer, seeds – kapazität: 32000L – MP ready Hinweis: Der Trigger wird mit Taste STRG+R erstellt, danach kann ganz normal mit Taste Q abgekippt werden. Der Trigger lässt sich nur bei Trailer erstellen die über die Standard Trailer specialization laufen. Modder: Ingame & Script: Heady Publisher: Planet-LS Download: http://ul.to/9jdqq22l http://uploading.com/files/mc1m52md/HeapTipTrigger.zip/